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Dr. Kazutoshi HamadaJournal of Orthopedics & RheumatologyMachida-keisen Hospital

My experience has been excellent. Responses to mail was timely, review smooth and clear
Dr. Rory Fleming RichardsonJournal of Neurology and PsychologyAsbury University

The quality of email responses has always been prompt, informative and professional. The process by which a paper is submitted through to publication is not labour intensive at my end and very efficient. Very pleased with working with the Journal of Obesity and Bariatrics
Dr. Claire MillsJournal of Obesity and BariatricsUniversity of Gloucestershire

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Dr. Majid AlabboodAdvances in Diabetes & EndocrinologyMacquarie University

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Dr. Luminita Simion LabuscaJournal of Transplantation & Stem Cell BiologyUniversity of Medicine and Pharmacy

The manuscript submission and review processes are very efficient. The review format and comments are appropriate and fast (this is very important for an online journal to attract quality research articles). The article format is appealing too.
Dr. Lin JiJournal of Gene therapyThe University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

I can say without any hesitation the journal is one of the top journals related to forensic sciences based on the following criteria: 1) The review time is much faster; 2) The manger editor’s response is within 24 hours; 3) The publication procedure is rigid; 4) The review feedback is specific and constructive; 5) The format of manuscript is scientific and informative; 6) The fee structure is fair and reasonable 7) The website is convenient and straightforward. Thank you for your support and efforts.
Dr. John Zheng WangJournal of Forensic InvestigationCalifornia State University

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Dr. Getaneh GebeyehuJournal of Plant Biology & Soil HealthAssosa University

Your Journal is serving as a bridge in communicating scientific information to the community in large. I really appreciate your handling issues in a very professional manner. The editing time frame is very good. Your comments are geared towards the subject matter and good you are reaching scientist who had in depth knowledge on the respective subject matters. The format of your journal is very good and attractive.
Dr. Dejene AlemayehuJournal of Environmental StudiesAddis Ababa University

We would like to thank you for the dedicated way in which you represent the comments of the reviewers and the editor’s feedback. Whenever we feel the need to approach you regarding a matter we always receive a prompt, well considered reply. Thanks for your hard work in treating our article, and especially in dealing with the many concerns we have brought to you in order to raise the quality of the paper. I am very satisfied about the services regarding the website of the journal, replies, review process, publication procedure, article format, and fee structure.
Dr. Loai AljerfJournal of Environmental StudiesUniversity of Damascus

Many thanks for the publication. The quality of all services was very good; the Website, Replies to mails, Review process, Publication procedure, Articles format - all was excellent.
Dr. Sergei V. JarginJournal of Addiction & PreventionPeople’s Friendship University
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