Journal of Veterinary Science & Medicine
Research Article
Evaluation of the Quality of Bovine Milk of the Livestock Farms of Suscal, Cañar, Ecuador
Heredia Peralta DT1,3, Simbaina Solano JC2*
1Dairy Technician “Ambrosio Andrade Palacios”. Cañar, Ecuador.
2Assitant researcher “University of Azuay”. Cuenca, Ecuador.
3Laboratory of Bromatology and Microbiology “NUTRI Leche” of
Dairy “San Antonio”
*Address for correspondence:
Simbaina Solano JC, Assistant researcher “University of Azuay”
Cuenca, Ecuador. Lanimetry Laboratory, Faculty of Veterinary and
Animal Sciences, University of Chile, Santa Rosa 11735, Santiago,
Chile. E-mail:
Submission: 25-November-2019
Accepted: 28-December-2019
Published: 30-December-2019
Copyright: © 2019 Heredia Peralta DT, et al. This is an open access
article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Cow’s milk is an integral product that provides essential nutrients
for health, and it is consumed worldwide. In Ecuador, the INEN
9:2015 (Ecuadorian Institute for Standardization), standards establish
quality standards for production, distribution and marketing. They
are supervised by Agrocalidad and ARCSA, which guarantees that
the milk is fit for consumption. However, these practices are unknown
to small producers. Therefore, in the present study, the milk quality
(physicochemical properties, microbiological analysis and organoleptic
tests) was determined in different rural areas of Suscal livestock farms,
province of Cañar. The data was analyzed using a multifactorial
ANOVA using SAS. The separation of means, the Tukey test was used
at a significance level (P<0,05). And the Pearson correlation test
was performed. The results were, in physicochemical properties: the
average acidity of 14.25 °D; protein of 3.13 %; and fat of 4.03 %. In the
microbiological analysis: the mesophilic aerobes in solution -4 were
74.37 CFU and 162.03 CFU at 24 and 48 hours respectively; and somatic
cells of 243333.33 u/cm³. In organoleptic characteristics: the color was
opalescent white and slightly yellowish; the smell was milky smooth and
free of strange odors; and the texture of the milk was homogeneous
and free of foreign matter. Finally, total solids are highly correlated with
protein and fat, which is positive.