Editorial Board

is Sr. Vice President, Strategic Statistical Consulting at Veristat and an adjunct professor of Biostatistics, Boston University, USA. He is a co-founder of the International Society for Biopharmaceutical Statistics. His research interests include adaptive clinical trial and biostatistics in general.

is the Wallace Kuralt is a Director of Consortium for Statistical Development and Consultation, School of Social Work and a clinical professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, USA. His professional interests include clinical trials, meta-analysis, adaptive design and analysis, structural equation modelling, multi-level modelling and public health statistics.

is a Professor at Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Stockholm University, Sweden. He is working with screening and quantification of drugs and metabolites in biological fluids and his research focuses on sample preparation, separation techniques and mass spectrometry.

is a Professor at Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Protection Engineering, Óbuda University, Hungary. His research interest focuses on soil biotechnology, soil protection, soil sustainable, soil biodiversity, plant growth-promoting rhizomicrobiota (PGPR), colonization of PGPR microbial inoculants in rhizosphere and econanotoxicology.

is a Professor Emeritus and Honorary Advisor to CRRAO AIMSCS, India and Member at National Academy of Sciences, USA. His research contributions includes orthogonal arrays, generalized matrix inverses, estimation theory, statistical inference and linear models, multivariate analysis, combinatorial design, biometry, statistical genetics, and functional equations.

is an Associate Professor at Mutah University. His research interest includes physical organic chemistry, synthesis, characterization of semiconducting materials, Drugs reformulation, Chemical X-ray Crystallography (host-guest chemistry, synthesis and applications), Design and develop crystalline molecular complexes.

is an Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physiology and Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridksi”, Bulgaria. Her research interests are in the field of development and application of instrumental methods for analysis in the biomedical research, supramolecular and biocoordination chemistry, toxicology.

is an Associate Professor, Department of Population Studies, Biomedical Sciences Institute Abel Salazar, University of Porto, Portugal. His research interests are in the area of biostatistics, biomedical engineering and optimization. In particular, comparison of clinic risk indexes, disease surveys, receiver operating curves and multiobjective optimization.

is an Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology, USA. His research interest lies at the interface of biostatistics, biomedical engineering, digital signal and image processing, and computer vision with applications to cancer research, stem cell studies, environmental research and public health.

is an Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Manitoba, Canada. His research is primarily focused on Bayesian methods and computation for complex data which integrates both theoretical and computational aspects. Along with this, he is broadly interested in Biostatistics, social network models, mark-recapture methods and statistics in sports.

is the Member of the Research Council and IRB, Division of Imaging, Cardiovascular Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran and Resident of Radiology at Case Western Reserve University. His clinical interest focuses on general radiology.

is currently working as a Mathematical Statistician at Food and Drug Administration. His research interests include Bayesian analysis, measurement error, clinical trial, and statistical methods in bioassay validation. He is the member of American Statistical Association.

is currently a senior biostatistician at Gilead Sciences, Inc. California, USA. Her research interests are in adaptive designs, personalized medicine and multi-regional clinical trial designs.

is Young investigator of National Cancer Institute G. Pascale Naples Animal Core Facility, Italy. His main research interests include In vivo studies, statistical analysis, animal tumour model, pharmacological studies.

is a Senior Forensic Toxicologist, UCT Inc, USA. His research interests lie in the area of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) of drugs /poisons from difficult matrices such as post mortem fluids/tissues and analysis by chromatographic systems coupled to mass spectrometers.

is currently Research Investigator at Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA. He is responsible for developing and troubleshooting immunoassays for analysis of non-clinical PK/TK samples in support of Discovery biologics programs. He has contributed widely to development and applications of immunoassays and LC-MS methods for quantification of clinical biomarkers.

is a Senior Scientist at Frontage Lab, PA USA. He completed his PhD from University of Nebraska-Lincoln and doing research in the field of Bio-analysis of small molecules for several years. His main research interest on Food chemistry.

is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Chemistry. He has got his Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees form California South University (CSU), Irvine, California, USA. Furthermore, he has double postdocs in Project Management and also in Nanochemistry and Molecular Structure Theory. His research interests are Biophysical Chemistry, Nanochemistry, Quantum Chemistry, etc.