Editorial Board

is the Director of the Center for Mathematical and Computational Biology (CMCB) and Professor of Department of Mathematics and Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of California, USA. His research focuses on Computational systems biology, developmental patterning, stem cells, regulatory networks, stochastic dynamics, and cancer computational methods.

is a Professor and Chair in the Department of Computer Science at Wayne State University, USA. He is a senior IEEE member and the chair of IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computational Life Sciences. His research interest includes machine learning, data mining, bioinformatics, systems biology, and healthcare informatics.

is a Professor in the Department of Pathology & Immunology with a joint faculty appointment in the Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology at Baylor College of Medicine, USA. He also serves on grant reviewing panels of the NIH of USA and Italy, the Department of Defense of the United States and acts as invited grant reviewer for several other agencies devoted to oncology research.

is a Professor and Assistant Dean, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He is a Associate Chair of the Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics. His research focuses on Structural Bioinformatics, Computational Chemistry, Enzymology, and Protein Post-translational Modification.

is a Professor of Biochemistry, Molecular Biophysics, and Biomedical Engineering at University of California, Irvine, USA. His research efforts are to develop new computational methodologies in biochemistry and to study molecular mechanisms of biomolecular interactions and he is a principal developer of AMBER, one of the widely used computer programs in biochemistry.

is a Professor and Director, Chinese Medicinal Fungal Proteomics Laboratory and Investigator of State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology and associate professsor, School of Life Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China. His research interest is bioinformatics, proteomics and metabolomics, protein/peptide structural and functional studies, and Modern Chinese Medicine.

is the Deputy Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Professor of the Center for Quantitative Biology, Peking University, China. His research focuses on bioinformatics methods based on genomic sequences, and protein sequences and structures. His lab now focuses on metagenomics issues driven by human health and environments, and data mining in medicine informatics

is a Professor of Shenzhen University Health Science Center, China. His research interests have centered on the molecular biology and pharmaceutical interventions of progeriaand normal aging.

is a Professor of Bioinformatics and System Biology, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. His research focuses on developing novel bioinformatics tools for analyzing high-throughput data sets associated with gene regulation, as well as systematically modeling dynamical gene regulations during disease and development processes.

is a Professor and HenrikKacser Chair in Systems Biology at the University of Edinburgh, UK. His research interest focuses on Systems biology and systems medicine including human biochemical network reconstruction, modelling of complex biological systems, microbial fuel cells and other biotechnology and bioinformatics applications.

is a Professor in the Department of Life Science, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. Her research interest focuses on cancer systems biology including integrating transcriptomics, proteomics and bioinformatics for biomarker and drug discovery.

is a Professor in the Institute of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. His research focuses on computer-aided drug discovery, structural bioinformatics, and systems biology. His team has developed a molecular docking (GEMDOCK) and site-moiety map (SiMMap) for molecular interaction analysis.

is a Professor and Director of Integrative Pharmacogenomics Institute (iPROMISE) at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. His research interest focuses on Microbiology, Genomics, Pharmacogenomics and Metabolomics.

is a Professor and Deputy Director of Integrative Pharmacogenomics Institute at University Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. Her research interest focuses on experimental and clinical pharmacogenomics and metabolomics.

is the Co-Director of the Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine (CAPMM) at George Mason University, USA. Research in the Center focuses on the invention and use of proteomics technologies for personalized therapy, and biomarker discovery and measurement for direct clinical applications at the bedside.

is a Professor and Director of Mass Spectrometry Center for Nutrition and Metabolism at the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, China. His research interests are to develop mass spectrometry techniques including lipidomics, metabolomics, and proteomics to study lipid metabolism and to explore nutritional intervention to prevent some nutrition-related human diseases.

is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), USA. He is also a Director of Biomechanics and Biomaterials Research Centre at IUPUI. His main research interests are skeletal biology, molecular and cellular mechanics, and applications of control theories in metabolic processes.

is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, China. His research interests are to study the roles of epigenetic traits, such as histone modifications and DNA methylation on chromatin, in the signaling transduction networksrelated withcancer and innate immunity.

is a Professor in the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry and member of Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology (IQ Biology) graduate program at the University of Colorado-Boulder, USA. His research focuses on understanding cell signaling mechanisms using chemical and systems biology approaches.

is a Professor and Anniversary Chair of Biological Physics in the department of Physics and Biology at the University of York, UK. His research focuses on developing and applying novel forms of optical microscopy to investigate complex biological processes at the level of single molecules.

is a Professor of CAS Key Laboratory of Genome Sciences and Information at Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China. His research mainly focuses on computational molecular evolution, big data integration, curation, and mining based on cloud computing and high performance computing, biological software development and database construction.

is a Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Director of School of Biomedical Sciences at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, China. His research interest is in developmental genomics and epigenomics, molecular genetics of reproductive and endocrine disorders, Non-coding RNA, antisense transcript, and microRNA in normal and abnormal development.

is a Professor of Biochemistry at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. His research interest is to use state-of-the-art proteomics technology to study the signaling mechanism that regulates directional cell migration and cancer metastasis.

is a Professor in the Department of Systems Biology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. His research focuses on bioinformatics and systems biology study in complex diseases regulatory network and next generation sequencing data analysis, including microRNA and TF co-regulatory network in complex diseases.

is a Professor at the School of Electronics and Information Engineering at Tongji University, China. His research focuses on inference and analysis of molecular interaction network, identification of signaling pathways, prediction of drug-protein interactions and drug combinations.

is a Professor at Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China. His research interests are to investigate pathophysiological mechanisms of metabolic diseases, with an emphasis on signal transduction at the transcriptional and post-translational levels.

is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. His research focuses on understanding how plants adapt to environmental stresses by using genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and physiological approaches.

received a B.S. in Mathematics and Ph.D. in Computer Science from MIT. After serving as Assistant and Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University, USA. He moved to Washington University. His research focuses on systems biology, including modeling transcriptional regulatory networks, metabolic reaction networks, and the interplay between the two.

is the Director of Steroid Metabolomics Advance Core, University of California, USA. His research focuses on development of mass spectrometric analytical methods for measurement of small molecules in bio-specimens, development of biomarkers by applying target / profile oriented metabolomic methods and application of metabolomics in toxicology.

is a Professor of the Laboratory of Genome Variations and Precision Bio-Medicine at Beijing Institute of Genomics,Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China. His research interest mainly focuses on epitranscriptomicregulation of RNA process and metabolism,prioritizing RNA methylation control, and its association with human diseases.

is an Associate Professor, Division of Biomedical Informatics, University of Kentucky, USA. His research involves knowledge discovery from high-dimensional molecular and observational healthcare data sets using a combination of statistical algorithms, machine learning and network science approaches. Specific application areas include: translational bioinformatics, and systems biology.

is an Associate Professor of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA. His research includes computational systems biology, bioinformatics for cancer research, biomedical imaging, intelligent computing, identifying diverse molecular networks and splicing events associated with therapeutic resistance in cancers.

is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Oklahoma State University, USA. Her research focuses on Cloning, expression, purification and 3-dimensional structure determination of proteins by NMR and X-ray crystallography, mutagenesis and functional studies of proteins involved in cancer, various signaling pathways and many diseases.

is an Associate Professor of School of Biological Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, China. His research interests range from functional analysis of genome to cell differentiation and oncogenesis, especially the role of chromatin remodeler in development and diseases addressed by OMICS and Systems Biology approaches.

is an Associate Professor in the Department of Developmental, Molecular and Chemical Biology at Tufts University School of Medicine, USA. His research interests include domains of proteins involved in vesicle sorting and their interactions with target peptides. A second project focuses on the metabolic changes that occur in disease processes.

is an Assistant Professor of Integrative Systems Biology and Pediatrics at George Washington University, USA. She focuses on statistical analysis of genetic data including SNPs studies (both candidate gene and GWAS), microarrays and proteomic data. She also serves as a statistician for the Cooperative International Muscular Dystrophy Research Group (CINRG).

is currently working in Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, USA. His research focuses on the molecular mechanisms that underlie the processes of growth and differentiation within intestinal epithelia, gut mucosal defense and host interacts with the intestinal microbiota. His other field of research is on genitourinary imaging.

is heading the Departments for Proteomics and for Metabolomics at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany and is Professor for Systems Microbiology at Aalborg University, Denmark. His interests are the interdependencies of regulation processes on the transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolic level in eu- and prokaryotes.

is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at University of Minnesota, USA. His research focus is to understand the microRNA mediated gene regulatory networks in cancers. His team has developed database for competing endogenous RNA and sarcoma microRNA expression profiles in human.

is an Assistant Professor in the Ben May Dept. for Cancer Research, a Core Fellow of the Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology, and the Founder and Scientific Director of the Micro-western array Protein Analysis facility at the University of Chicago, USA. His research focuses on building systems-level models that relate human genome variation and protein signaling networks.

is an Associate Research Professor, Integrative Systems Biology, George Washington University, USA. Her research focuses on understanding regulation of gene expression and metabolic control through integration of genomic, transcriptional and proteomic data and uses this knowledge to develop new treatments for urea cycle disorders and other inborn errors of metabolism.

is currently working in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University school of medicine, USA. His research focuses on using chemical biology approaches to monitor and modulate T cell-mediated immune responses.

is an affiliated faculty of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics department at the University of Maryland, USA. Her research interest focuses on systems biology in understanding laryngeal inflammation and wound healing as well as vocal fold mechanobiology.

is the Director, GWU McCormic Genomic and Proteomic Center, George Washington University USA. Her research focuses on identifying genomic and expression signatures able to accurately diagnose breast cancer molecular types and stages and particularly in transcription patterns that can distinguish malignant potential at an early pre-cancer tumor stage.

is an Associate Professor in the Department of chemistry at the University of Buffalo, USA. His research interests are broadly in the development of mass spectrometry and its application to metabolomics, biomarker identification and validation, and proteomics.

is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA. His research focuses on understanding how lipid signaling and metabolism regulate membrane trafficking, cell motility and proliferation, in cancer and cardiovascular cells.

is an Associate Professor in the Center for Quantitative Biology at Peking University, China. His research interests are systems biology based drug design and drug discovery, systems biology for traditional Chinese medicine, chemical and biological synthesis design for bioactive compounds,and drug resistance.

is an Associate Professor in the Wuhan National Lab for Optoelectronics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. Her research focuses on developing novel fluorescent probes for optical imaging of live cells and organisms and Photoactivatable organic probes for live-cell super-resolution imaging.

is an Associate professor in the College of Life Sciences at Shaanxi Normal University, China. Her research interest focues on Molecular mechanism of neurological diseases,Neural stem cells in the neurodevelopment diseases and Transcriptome in neurological diseases.

is an Associate Professor in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Wuhan University, China. His research focuses on developing chemoinformatics, bioinformatics and systems biology tools at molecule, reaction, pathway, network and system levels to leverage synthetic biology, genome-scale target mining and drug repositioning.

is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Hong Kong, China. His research interests focus on understanding how the proteases regulate development and aging, particularly on signaling pathways, using mouse model system and patient samples from human diseases.

is an Assistant Professor at Tufts University School of Medicine and an Associate Investigator at GRI at the Center of Cancer Systems Biology in Boston, USA. His research focuses on the effects of aging on carcinogenesis, stem cell dynamics, cell fusion, and the effects of radiation on these subjects by implementing a cancer systems biology method influenced by bioinformatics.

is an Assistant Professor in the Section of Molecular Biology at the University of California San Diego, USA. Hisresearch aims to combine single-cell imaging, microfluidics and computational modeling to obtain a quantitative and predictive understanding of how complex biological systems operate and function.

is a Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University, USA. His research focuses on development and application of bioinformatics and systems biology approaches, including inference of multilevel gene regulatory networks, identification of biomarkers targeting stem cells, cancer and human diseases, and integrative analysis of next generation sequencing data.

is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Cell Biology, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology at University of South Florida, USA. His research focuses on computational structural proteomics, intrinsically disordered proteins, protein-protein interaction, systems biology, and bioinformatics.

is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and TEES-AgriLife Center for Bioinformatics and Genomic Systems Engineering (CBGSE), Texas A&M University, USA. His research focuses on statistical analysis of high-throughput sequencing data, biological network analysis, genomics of complex diseases and metagenomics.

is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University, USA. His research focuses on understanding metabolism in cell growth, cancer pathogenesis and therapeutic intervention. His efforts have focused on understanding the Warburg Effect and utilization of computational modeling and mass spectrometry-based metabolomics.

is an Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Chang Gung University, Taiwan. Her research focuses on development of proteomic and metabolomic platforms using LC/MS/MS to discover and validate proteins or metabolite biomarkers in clinical specimens for translational research. She also integrates omics data to explore the progression mechanism of urological cancer.

is an Assistant Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, China. His research interests include the investigation of mechanism and the functional significance of the dys-regulated genes and non-coding RNAs in liver and pancreatic cancer and to identify potential novel diagnostic and therapeutic targets for liver and pancreatic cancer.

is an Assistant Professor of Computational Biology in the School of Computer Science, the University of Birmingham, UK. His research interests include optimisation, data mining, agent-based modelling, complex network analysis and there applications to biomedical problems, proteomics and metabolomics.

is an Assistant Professor, Center for Proteomics and Bioinformatics, Case Western Reserve University, USA. His research is on computational/statistical biology with a bump hunting problems, model selection, and data mining methods in high dimensional settings and applications is in high-throughput metabolomics data and related functional analyses.

is an Assistant Professor in School of Biological Sciences/Food & Nutritional Science at The University of Hong Kong, China. Her research interest is in assessment of oxidized lipid products and lipid mediators in human diseases using GC/MS and LC/MS/MS, fatty acid and oxidative damage in diseases and evaluation of antioxidant/oxidative stress in human nutrition.

is an Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, University of Kansas Medical Center, USA. His research focuses on understanding the physiological function, regulation and clinical significance of ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters, with a emphasis on the role of mitochondrial transporters in mitochondrial physiology and disease pathology.

is an Assistant Professor in the Department Of Genome Sciences at the University Of Washington, USA. His research focuses on the development and application of new high throughput proteomic tools for the study of cellular signaling networks.

is currently Visiting Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Rice University, Houston, and Research Scientist at the Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute, Buffalo, USA. Her research focuses on the use of proteomics and functional genomics technologies to understand the signaling pathways that control post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression.

is an Assistant Professor of Systems Biology and Cancer Metabolism, University of California, USA. His research employs genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics tools to mechanistically decipher human metabolic disease and developed methods in NMR spectroscopy, structural and chemical biology led to high-resolution insights in human cancer progression.

is an Assistant Professor of Computational Biology and Systems Genomics, Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, USA. He specializes in developing statistical and computational methodologies for high-throughput sequencing and functional genomics data. His research focuses on gene regulation, noncoding RNA, and chromatin organization with applications in human diseases.

is an Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Statistical Science, Taiwan. His research interests includes statistical genomics/genetics, genetic epidemiology, bioinformatics, and biomedical statistics. His research team has devoted to developing novel statistical/bioinformatics methodologies and tools for omics data analysis as well as to answering practical biomedical issues.