What is the best multivitamin for men?

Sometimes our diet is not the healthiest, and multivitamins can help fill in nutritional gaps that our diet might miss. This becomes even more important as we age. When we get older, we might not absorb nutrients from our diet like we did when we were younger. Your health could suffer if you become deficient in vitamins and nutrients. Multivitamins can ensure you don’t lack these vitamins.

Vitamin Quality

When choosing a multivitamin, it is best to choose the ones with the highest quality. Some multivitamins will display on the label if a third party has approved it. One of the most recognizable is USP (U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention). USP is an independent, nonprofit organization that tests supplements to verify that they contain the ingredients listed on the label and purity.

NSF certification is another important label you might see. NSF tests many types of products, including dietary supplements. They perform tests to confirm the contents of a supplement match what the label shows and certifies that there are no unlisted or harmful ingredients.

Best Multivitamins for Men

Some of the best multivitamins for men include:

  • MegaFood Multi for Men contains all the vitamins that men need, including folate instead of folic acid. It is NSF-certified organic, GMO-free, vegetarian, and gluten-free.
  • Now Foods ADAM men’s multivitamin. In addition to the vitamins, ADAM also contains lycopene and saw palmetto for healthy prostate function.
  • New Chapter for Men 50+ contains all the nutrients a man needs, including probiotics and astaxanthin, one of the best antioxidants. One drawback is that it contains folic acid instead of folate.
  • Garden of Life Vitamin Code for men is made entirely from plants. It contains nutrients for good prostate health, mental health, and probiotics and enzymes for digestive health.
  • Garden of Life mykind for Men has 15 vitamins and nutrients made entirely of organic plants. It contains no synthetic fillers or binders, and only one table is needed per day.
  • Rainbow Light Men’s One Daily is designed to boost men’s immune system, digestive system, and sexual health. It is certified by the Non-GMO Project.
  • Vitafusion Men’s Complete Multivitamin Gummies are great for those who do not like taking pills. It contains vitamins and nutrients for men’s health, including folate. It is dairy-free, and has no artificial sweeteners, flavors, dies, or high-fructose corn syrup.


You can also look for a vitality supplement, especially if you lack energy or feel rundown. One of the vitamins in a vitality supplement should be vitamin B12.

According to Legion Athletics, “Vitamin B12 supports the nervous system and blood cells and is involved in the production of DNA and the metabolism of food. It’s also a common deficiency among older individuals because the production of an enzyme required to extract B12 from food known as intrinsic factor declines as we age. Hence, B12 supplementation is prudent in midlife and beyond”.

In addition to vitamin B12, a vitality supplement could include antioxidants like bilberry extract for cognitive abilities. Rhodiola Rosea to improve mood and enhance workouts. And DHEA can increase testosterone and help maintain lean muscle mass.

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