How to Reduce Stress While Finishing Nursing School

College and any other education program can be notoriously stressful, especially when you’re pursuing something as difficult as a Master of Science degree. But while struggle can be the perceived norm, the key to graduating without going mad in the process is to tackle this issue immediately. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed in your studies, here are a few tips on how to reduce stress while finishing the journey to becoming a nurse practitioner (NP) or registered nurse (RN).

Take stock of your current program and ask yourself, is this right for me?

Not all nursing programs are going to be right for you. If you choose to stick with something that you know is causing more stress than is worth the time and effort you’re putting in, you’re going to naturally experience resistance. For those who are looking to be a nurse practitioner (NP), consider sitting down to do research into other opportunities that may benefit you, like attending an online university to get your master’s degree. Online education generally offers aspiring nurse practitioners greater freedom and flexibility, causing less stress than you may experience in an in-person environment. Additionally, with online education being a major focus in today’s societies, these institutions are accredited and will provide you with the degree you need to thrive in your chosen career path. Whatever specialty you have in mind, an online master’s degree program allows aspiring nurse practitioners to become family nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, and primary care providers.

If you feel as though you’re stressed because of the program you’re currently in, look to switch to something that’s better for your needs.

Design a space that’s more conducive to peace.


Your surroundings play a direct role in your overall health and well-being. If you come home from your classes to a messy place that immediately overwhelms you, you’re never going to be able to break free of your stress. It’s a good idea to try and add Zen elements, like candles, to your space to boost relaxation. Look to create a Zen oasis out of your home by getting organized, minimizing the amount of stuff that you own (and filling your space with things that you love), adding life to your space in the form of greenery, and designing spaces that make living your daily life relaxing and seamless. The more tailored your space is for you, the more you will get out of it.

Develop better time management skills in your day-to-day life.

Operating as a full-time student is generally not realistic in this day and age. You have to balance school with work, personal time, major responsibilities, and other items that naturally come with adulthood. Although you can’t always help what your workload looks like, you can develop better time management skills to reduce the stress that comes with feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list. Plan ahead, set goals, reduce your to-do list as much as you can, and, where possible, get ahead so that you have less on your plate moving forward. The key to feeling like you’re on top of your work is to plan in such a way that everything falls (nearly) into place.

Find ways to squeeze more self-care into your day.


We often perceive certain aspects of our lives to be more important than others. In this case, your nursing degree most likely takes precedence over going out with friends or binge-watching your favorite TV show. The problem? We all need a break, and when we don’t get it, we feel burnt out and disenchanted with the work we’re doing. You must prioritize self-care if you wish to reduce stress and feel more at ease. Self-care looks different for everyone, but some ideas to help you get started include sitting down with a good book, taking the time to relax and journal, or even soaking in a hot bath for a while. These little breaks are just what you need to develop a divide between your seemingly never-ending school life and your personal one.

Life can be hard, but with the right strategy, even something as stressful as attending nursing school can be far less stressful than many of your peers may make it out to be. If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed on a daily basis, use the guide above for tips to help you can get back on track to a more peaceful life.

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