5 Bad Habits Contact Lens Wearers Fall Into

While getting used to caring for your lenses is simple, it’s just as easy to slip into a few bad habits, especially if you are in a rush. We’ve listed some of the most common and why they should be avoided at all costs. Sleeping in Lenses: Unless... Read more →

Women Sleep Disorders Up Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Women who have a problem in sleeping are at high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, which is about 47% higher in those people who have one sleeping disorder to more than 4 times the risk for four different sleeping problems combined. Researchers... Read more →

Genetic Disorders of Syndromes

Definition of Syndromes: A group of symptoms which consistently occur together, or a condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms. The syndrome is a disease that has more than one identifying symptom or feature. Each syndrome... Read more →

What is the best multivitamin for men?

Sometimes our diet is not the healthiest, and multivitamins can help fill in nutritional gaps that our diet might miss. This becomes even more important as we age. When we get older, we might not absorb nutrients from our diet like we did... Read more →
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