Intrauterine Growth Restriction | Types of IUGR

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a condition in which fetus is unable to achieve its genetically determined potential size. It is also known as Intrauterine growth. In another word, IUGR refers to a condition when a baby fails to... Read more →

Preservatives for sunscreen

The primary goal of sunscreen lotions is to protect the skin from the harmful consequences of solar and UV irradiation. Keratosis ageing and skin cancer are two of these adverse effects. Moisturization and decrease of UV-induced production... Read more →

How Big Data and AI Work Together

Big data and Ai are connected in several ways, especially nowadays, with such advanced knowledge and technology. Both of these terms are serving each other. Both of these are fitting together and add a lot of data sets to each other. Before... Read more →

Which is the best Kratom for depression in 2022

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the world today. It affects people of all ages and backgrounds and can lead to other conditions, such as anxiety, substance abuse, and even suicide. Kratom is a plant native to Southeast... Read more →
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