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Rice Genomics: Improvement in genomics era

The genome of a plant or microbe is the totality of its genetic information including all the genes and the non-transcribed sections of the DNA. Genomics is the study of the complete genetic content of an organism. The world’s first genome... Read more →

Rapid Detection of Pathogens in Lungs

In the olden days we used to take several weeks for the detection of any disease. But now-a- days it is easy to detect any disease in one or two days or few hours. Rapid identification of diseases was done by using the molecular method analysis. Pathogens... Read more →

Nanoparticle delivery to tumors from old malaria

A recent study shows that a 70 year old malaria drug can clog immune cells in liver so nanoparticles can reach their intended tumor site, overcoming a significant complication of targeted drug delivery, according to a team of researchers... Read more →

Can We Harvest Human Brain Cell in the Lab?

When scientist find new potential drug, they should be tested on human cells to confirm that they can help patients. Since in past studies, these tests have been done in a cancer cell, which doesn’t match the biology of human brain cells.... Read more →
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