Journal of Neurology and Psychology
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Review Article
Quality and Toxicity of Alcoholic Beverages in Russia: Interdisciplinary Approach
Jargin SV*
Department of Pathology, People’s Friendship University of Russia,
Russian Federation
*Address for Correspondence:Jargin SV, Department of Pathology, People’s Friendship University of
Russia, Clementovski per 6-82, 115184 Moscow, Russia, Email:
Submission: January 02, 2025
Accepted: February 05, 2025
Published: February 08, 2025
Copyright: © 2025 Jargin SV. This is an open access article distributed
under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Keywords:Alcohol; Alcoholism; Mortality; Russia; Interdisciplinary
There is abundant literature about alcohol consumption and
alcoholism in Russia. However, some papers operate mainly with
truisms and generalities about health damage from alcohol. Practical
realizations of such approach were indiscriminate social policies such
as the anti-alcohol campaign (1985-1989). Later on, a questionable
concept has been propagated that the quantity but not quality of
consumed alcohol is important for health. This coincided with the
quality decrease of beverages. Industrial alcohol-containing liquids
were sold in vodka bottles causing severe poisonings. Following
abolition of the state alcohol monopoly in 1992, the country was
flooded by beverages of poor quality, sold through legally operating
shops and kiosks, which caused severe poisonings. Thereafter, the
quality has improved while the consumption tended to decrease. It
should be stressed in conclusion that the government must care about
weaker members of society, including those suffering of substance
use disorders and alcohol-related dementia, because they can be
poisoned by toxic beverages, abused and expropriated by criminals.
In regard to the future research, poor quality beverages containing
toxic admixtures are of particular importance. Addition of ethanol
from non-edible sources to beverages should be prohibited or, at least,
its presence must be clearly indicated on labels. An interdisciplinary
approach is necessary to objectively elucidate the problem.
There is abundant literature about alcohol consumption in
Russia. Many publications operate with truisms and generalities
about health damage from alcohol. A practical realization of such
approach has been indiscriminate policies such as the anti-alcohol
campaign (AAC) launched in 1985 and ended with a failure by 1988-
1989. Later on, an unfounded concept has been propagated that
the quantity but not quality of consumed alcohol is important for
health [1]. This coincided with a considerable quality deterioration
of beverages sold through legally operating shops. Industrial
alcohol-containing liquids were sold in vodka bottles causing severe
poisonings; details and references are here below and in the preceding
paper [2]. Alcohol misuse is an issue that expands beyond its physical
and psychological consequences [3]; therefore, it is attempted here to
apply an interdisciplinary approach, discussing toxicological, social
and psychological aspects of the problem.
Focused review
The AAC started 1985 was initially effective, but ended with a
failure and was accompanied by increased consumption of home-made
moonshine (samogon), technical liquids and eau-de-colognes. After
1987, the alcohol consumption was increasing, while vodka enhanced
its share in the total. The production of beer and especially of wine
decreased considerably [4]. Apparently, the AAC and its predictable
failure were exploited for political and economic purposes. The AAC
destabilized the Soviet society; widespread drunkenness in the 1990s
acted like anesthesia during a surgery: workers and intelligentsia
did not protest against privatization of the state property because
of their drunkenness. During the AAC, many distilleries producing
spirits from grain and potatoes were dismantled[4]. At the same
time, technical ethanol met no demand from the stagnating industry.
Official permissions to use alcohol from non-edible raw materials
for production of beverages were issued during the 1990s[1]. Some
permissions have later been revoked but, in conditions of disregard
for laws and regulations, the use of technical ethanol has been
continued. It is known from practice and animal experiments that
alcohol produced by synthesis from acetylene or by hydrolysis and
fermentation from sawdust/woodchips is more toxic than that from
edible sources [5,6]. Later on, purified ethanol from non-edible raw
materials was claimed to be compatible with requirements to beverage
alcohol [1]. However, purification costs money; so that one can never
be sure that it had been adequate. Bioassays may overestimate toxicity
of alcohol produced from edible sources as animals are not adapted
to it. Human consumption of alcohol predates recorded history
and is theorized to have adaptive significance [7]. An evolutionary
adaptation to by-products of natural fermentation can be reasonably
assumed. Alcohol from non-edible raw materials has a different
spectrum of admixtures: higher concentrations of butanol, butanone,
methyl butyl ketone, crotonaldehyde, acetone, diethyl ether,
acetaldehyde etc. [8]. Adaptation to some new by-products is lacking.
This topic needs further research.
Claims that the quantity but not quality of alcohol is important
for health[1] distract the public attention from toxicity of some legally
sold beverages. Phrases like “Alcohol is the chief killer” in Russia
[9,10] are suitable to disguise the shortages of public healthcare,
shifting responsibility for the comparatively low life expectancy
from authorities onto patients i.e., supposedly self-inflicted diseases
due to excessive alcohol consumption. In addition to alcohol abuse,
the inadequacies of the Russian health care system have contributed
to the enhanced mortality [11]. Excessive alcohol consumption is
a criminogenic factor [3]; however, the alcohol-related crime is
exaggerated by some professional literature and the media. In this
way the organized crime and corruption are obfuscated. Moreover,
alcohol is often mentioned in the context of family violence and child
abuse. Without denying the problem, it should be commented that it
is easier to denounce a socially unprotected offender, in particular, if
he or she suffers a substance use disorder. Otherwise, various tools are
applied to prevent a disclosure of domestic violence: denial of facts,
allegations of slander, threats and provocations, appeals to preserve
honor of the family or an ethnic/confessional community.
After 1990, together with inflation and transition to the market
economy, the prices and qualities of beverages diversified. New labels
appeared and disappeared; names and qualities correlated poorly.
Imported products had sometimes been good in the beginning but
later were replaced by imitations. Well-known wines and spirits
changed their taste or were replaced by surrogates containing
technical ethanol with flavor and color additives [1,12-14]. The
astringent taste of technical alcohol is known as it was regularly stolen
from factories and scientific institutes, being often consumed during
the AAC. The relative proportion of counterfeit beverages on sale is
difficult to determine; apparently, it has been higher outside Moscow
than in the Capital. The literature rightly discusses “the sale of illegal
alcohol by legal retail outlets”[15]. The following data have been
published: in the 1ate 1990s, ~60% of legally sold alcoholic beverages
contained insufficiently purified ethanol produced by synthesis from
acetylene or by hydrolysis of cellulose (sawdust) [12]. In 2007 about
a half of all vodka originated from illegal sources; wine and cognac
being often falsified as well [1].
After 1991, the consumption approached the level prior to the
AAC[10]. Following abolition of the state alcohol monopoly in 1992,
the country was flooded by drinks of poor quality, sold through
shops and kiosks. For example, in Karelia, the incidence of lethal
alcohol poisonings increased 3 times while the average blood ethanol
concentration in such cases increased 1.4 times [1]. Simultaneously,
the mortality from acute alcohol poisonings in the Arkhangelsk
province increased by 234.6% [16]. For the whole Russian Federation
(RF), the mortality rate from alcoholic poisonings increased from
1998 to 2004 by 58 % [17]. Among regions of RF, the highest mortality
rates of alcohol poisonings in the period 2001-2010 were registered
in Siberia [18], where vodka had been of low quality since decades.
The following absolute figures of lethal poisonings with alcohol containing
fluids were reported: 1998 - 21,800, 1999 - 24,100, 2000
- 27,200[19]. Among causes of death and autopsy findings in such
cases was intravascular coagulation, acute tubular necrosis with renal
failure, pancreonecrosis, bleeding erosions and ulcers of stomach
and esophagus[20]. Unrecorded figures were certainly higher as
many cases, remaining unclear for lack of toxicological tests or other
reasons, were diagnosed post mortem with cardio- and cerebrovascular
Some legally sold beverages caused severe poisonings. It
is acknowledged in the professional literature that vodka was
manufactured from technical liquids and then sold through legally
operating shops [21,22], generally with the knowledge of authorities.
Numerous lethal intoxications after the intake of moderate doses
were reported, while the blood ethanol concentration was relatively
low [1,12,17,21,23]. A tendency of the quality improvement has been
noticed since approximately 2010. Reportedly, 27% of all alcoholic
beverages were counterfeit in 2021 [24]. The alcohol-related mortality
in RF was decreasing in the period 2010-2019 (with the exception of
the year 2018). Interestingly, the mortality was decreasing also in
the areas with a temporary increase in alcohol consumption [25],
which can be explained by the quality improvement of beverages and
decline in heavy binge drinking. In general, the alcohol consumption
tended to decline in Russia since approximately 2010 [26]. The
current situation is difficult to evaluate due to questionable reliability
of published statistics. It seems that today there are more inebriated
people in Moscow streets than 5-10 years ago. Poor-quality beverages
are on sale now as before.
In 2006, a mass poisoning with jaundice in different regions
of RF was supposedly caused by disinfectant Extrasept-1 sold in
vodka bottles, which contained, apart from ethanol, 0.08-0.15%
of diethyl phthalate and 0.1-0.14 % polyhexamethylene guanidine
hydrochloride (PHMG)[27]. The number of poisonings in the period
August-November 2006 was 12,611 cases, among them 1189 lethal
ones [28,29]; factual figures must have been higher. Histologically,
“cholestatic hepatitis with a severe inflammatory component” was
described [29]. Of note, PHMG is not particularly hepatotoxic; it
is used worldwide for disinfection of swimming pools. The clinical
picture with predominance of liver injury did not correspond to the
toxicity profile of PGMG [30]. Reportedly, the mean lethal dose of
Extrasept-1 in animal experiments is not much lower than that of
purified ethanol: 9.7 vs. 12.3 mg/kg [31]. The median lethal dose
(LD50) of PHMG, administered orally, has been around 450 mg/kg
for mice and 630 mg/kg for rats [32], while the animals died with
signs of injury not of the liver but of the nervous system [33-36].
Lung lesions due to PHMG used in household humidifiers have been
reported [37]. Experimentally, the substance showed lower toxicity
when given via routes other than inhalation [38].
The proposal to develop global strategies learning from the Russian
experience [39] is precarious because some statistics from RF are of
questionable reliability [40]. The data on the 2006 mass poisonings
have been cited in the professional literature and could have
influenced conclusions, which is potentially misleading for toxicity
assessments of PHMG and the related substance polyhexamethylene
biguanide (PHMB). The reported difference between LD50 estimates
in rats for PHMG and PHMB by the same researchers in two
consecutive studies was striking: 600 vs. 25.6 mg/kg[33,34]. Note that
general toxicity of both substances is comparable with LD50 values
500-800 mg/kg in rats when administered orally [31,41]. The question
is whether the figure 25.6 mg/kg[34] could have resulted from added
precaution due to the information on mass poisonings in RF[29]
cited by Asiedu-Gyekye et al. [34]. Recent papers on PHMB toxicity
have also referred to the poisonings in RF, whereas the role of PHMG
as a causative factor was not questioned [38,41]. The experimental
study [38] revealed no hepatotoxicity. Further objective research is
needed. As for diethyl phthalate, its acute toxicity to mammals is low
[42,43]. Some phthalates induced liver injury in experiments; but it
has not been confirmed when tested in primates [44].
Apart from PHMG, “chloride compounds” have been discussed
as possible causative factorsof the mass poisonings [30,45]. There
is a hypothesis that carbon tetrachloride, dichloroethane or other
organochlorides, used in dry cleaning of clothes, caused the
intoxications [46,47]. In some individuals, supposed to have died
after drinking Extracept-1, carbon tetrachloride was found in tissues
post mortem[31]. In many patients the onset of severe poisoning
was related to the consumption of vodka purchased in a shop[30].
As discussed above, technical liquids were used for production of
vodka, added to beer and wine. This has been veiled by certain writers
creating impression that consumers deliberately bought surrogates
for drinking: “This outbreak was caused by the consumption of
antiseptics with chloride compounds due to the deficit of other nonbeverage
alcohol”[45]. This was also the standpoint of the Health
Ministry [48]. In fact, there was not the “deficit of other non-beverage
alcohol” [45]but a temporary deficit of vodka in 2006 caused by the
elevation of excise duties[19]. The shortage was compensated by
surrogates sold in vodka bottles[28].
Furthermore, 74 lethal cases were reported from Irkutsk in 2016.
According to the published information, the poisoning was caused
by the bath lotion Boyaryshnik (Hawthorn) containing up to 93% of
ethyl alcohol[49,50]. The author has found no reliable information
on Hawthorn bath lotion containing 93% of ethanol. Inscriptions on
labels may be misleading and contradicting to organoleptic properties.
Note that concentrated solutions are usually more expensive per
unit of the solved substance. It has been suspected that the cause
of the poisonings was the medicinal hawthorn (Crataegus) tincture
containing 70% of ethanol [51]. The tincture is the pharmacy product
consumed by some drinkers in Russia[52,53]. Such tinctures are
relatively expensive these days; some consumers buy them because
they hope for a higher quality of alcohol than vodka from the shop.
The misinformation was probably intended to disguise the fact that
methanol was used as a cheap substitute for medicinal ethanol.
According to the World Health Organization, “unrecorded
alcohol… is produced, distributed and sold outside formal channels”
[54]. The concept of unrecorded alcohol is not directly applicable
to RF without a comment that ethanol from non-edible sources has
been used for production of beverages sold through legal shops,
generally with the knowledge of authorities[5,14,15,23]. Exaggeration
by some writers of “unrecorded” alcohol is shifting responsibility for
poisonings onto consumers, who allegedly prefer surrogates [55].
Overtly misleading statements can be found in the current literature:
“The consumption of non-beverage alcohol is the most concerning
type of alcohol consumption in Russia. This type of alcohol includes
industrial surrogates such as medical alcohol, aftershaves, antifreeze,
tooth powders, glues, kerosene[emphasis added], and brake fluid. It
was easily accessible and widely consumed” [56]. In fact, most vodka
and liquor has been purchased through legally functioning retail
stores and supermarkets [57]. Apart from parochial sales of samogon
(moonshine) mainly in rural areas, “most vodka and liquor consumed
by the population is purchased in the official retail stores”. The
Internet trade has been “typically for bulk orders only”[58]. Without
opening the bottle, consumers are usually unable to distinguish
between branded and falsified vodka as it is sold at the same shops
and looks identical. In the 1990s, slanting labels and lax closures were
known as attributes of falsified vodka. Today, bottles with counterfeit
beverages are “in good accordance with the original products” [58].
It is known that excessive alcohol consumption is associated with
enhanced suicide rate [59].Remarkably, the rate of suicides without
measurable blood alcohol concentration (BAC) slightly increased in
Belarus after the start of the AAC (1985 ~6.25; 1988~6.6 per 100.000
of residents), then decreased to 6.1 after the AAC, which coincided
with the peak of optimism at the beginning of the economical reforms
around 1991. Thereafter, both the BAC-positive and BAC-negative
suicide rates increased considerably, the latter up to approximately
10.4 in 2003 [60]. These figures indicate that dynamics of suicides
depend not only on the amounts of consumed alcohol, but also on
social factors. It can be reasonably assumed that the increase in the
suicide rate after 1991 has been partly caused by deterioration of the
social assistance, when many unemployed people were abandoned in
a desperate condition
During the AAC, launched by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985
and ended by 1989, the consumption of non-beverage alcohol was
widespread. Large-scale sales of cheap lotions, eau-de-colognes and
window cleaners in some areas were tolerated by authorities. The
drinking of alcohol-containing technical liquids and perfumery
decreased abruptly after the AAC, when vodka and beer have become
easily available and relatively cheap[61]. Numerous shops and kiosks
were opened after 1990; there have been no queues as in the Soviet
time. The average salary (pension) / vodka price ratio remained
several times higher than it had been prior to the AAC; the price
dynamics in relation to salaries and pensions are summarized in the
review[62]. The supposition that alcohol-dependent people would
voluntarily drink surrogates when regular beverages are available
is unrealistic. They have their experience, distinguish good and bad
products, know their ailments that may exacerbate after the intake
of poor-quality beverages. The alcohol consumption predictably
increased after the AAC. It facilitated economic reforms of the early
1990s. As mentioned above, employees did not oppose privatization
of the state property by administration and party functionaries due to
the widespread drunkenness
High quality beverages can be found in renowned shops like the
“Gastronome No. 1” within the famous GUM (Upper Trading Rows)
in Moscow[Figure 1]. The same is true for the refectory upstairs in the
GUM [Figure 2], where hors d’oeuvres are always fresh. Elsewhere, a
product with the same foreign or domestic label may taste differently.
The quality of counterfeit beverages depends on their origin: they
can be produced by regular factories, being concealed from excise
duties, or “in garages”, using technical ethanol diverted from the
Figure 1: “Gastronome No. 1” within the famous GUM (Upper Trading Rows).
The wine collection here is one of the best in Moscow.
Figure 2: Refectory in the 3rd floor of the GUM has always fresh hors
d’oeuvres and drinks of standard quality. It is not always the case in other
places, even at a bar nearby.
industry or imported[1,14]. Since the 1990s, the Caucasus has been
known as a nationwide source of cheap alcoholic drinks. Almost all
vodka concealed from excise duties in North Ossetia was reported
to be produced from technical ethanol[13]. According to another
source, in the early post-Soviet years, North Ossetia produced ~40%
of vodka consumed in RF, most of it coming from illegal sources[15].
Paradoxically, unrecorded alcohol (manufactured by a regular factory
and concealed from excise duty) can be good quality but “recorded”
vodka is sometimes made from sawdust being insufficiently purified,
as it has been the case in some places e.g., in Siberia since decades.
The same pertains to wines fortified with alcohol of different quality.
It should be stressed in conclusion that the government must
care about weaker members of the society, including those suffering
of substance use disorders and alcohol-related dementia[63],because
they can be poisoned by toxic beverages, abused and expropriated
by criminals. Authorities should investigate the cases, when alcohol dependent,
disabled and other people were deprived of their
apartments or houses as a result of criminal acts, having become
homeless, and help them to obtain accommodation or shelter.
Alcoholics underwent compulsory treatment and hypertherapy
using invasive procedures, one of the motives being the training
of medical personnel with the objective of readiness for war [64].
Alcohol consumption and heavy binge drinking tended to decline in
Russia since approximately 2010[26]but the current level is difficult
to determine for lack of reliable statistics. In any case, alcohol still
remains a part of life; and it can be eliminated only together with the
life. The last AAC (1985-1989) has demonstrated this. Figuratively
speaking, the AAC was a surgery performed without sufficient
indications[64]. In regard to future research, poor quality alcohol
containing toxic admixtures is of particular importance. Addition of
alcohol from non-edible sources to beverages should be prohibited
or, at least, its presence must be indicated on labels. In order to make
rational choices, consumers have to be informed about qualities of
what they consume, including risks they will be exposed [65].
40. Jargin SV (2020) Misconduct in medical research and practice. New York: Nova Science Publishers.