Journal of Ocular Biology
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Review Article
Overestimation of Cardiovascular and Ophthalmological Consequences of Low-Dose Radiation
Jargin SV*
Department of Pathology, People’s Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation
*Address for Correspondence:Jargin SV, Department of Pathology, People’s Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation Email Id:
Copyright: © 2024 Jargin SV. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Keywords:East Urals Radioactive trace; ionizing radiation; cerebro-vascular diseases; cardiovascular diseases; cataracts; lens opacity
This review is focused on the radioactive contamination in the Urals,
where the consequences have been more serious in the long run than
those after the Chernobyl accident. Mayak Production Association,
constructed in 1948, has been the first plutonium manufacturing site
in the Soviet Union. The difference between contaminations in the
Urals and Chernobyl is that the latter was an accident, but the former
- a radioactive contamination tolerated since 70 years with several
accidents in between. The tendency to overestimate health-related
risks from low-dose low-rate exposures has been noticed in Chernobylrelated
studies since approximately 1990 and in the research from
the Urals since 2005. Cancer-related research has been commented
previously. Selected cardio-, cerebro-vascular and ophthalmological
conditions are discussed here. The rate of self-reporting correlates with
dose estimates and awareness about radiation-related risks, the latter
being associated with the work experience at the nuclear industry or
residence in contaminated areas, and hence with the accumulated
dose. Individuals informed of their higher doses would more often seek
medical advice and on average more thoroughly examined. As a
result, lens opacities and other pathological conditions are diagnosed
in exposed people earlier than in the general population. This explains
the dose-effect correlations reported for the incidence of cataracts
but not for the frequency of cataract surgeries. Analogously, different
pathological conditions are more often detected in exposed people.
Results of bioassays are generally not supportive of harmful effects of
low doses with possible exception of genetically modified animals.
Mechanisms of damage at low doses remain speculative and the
evidence inconclusive. The harm caused by anthropogenic radiation
would tend to zero with a dose rate decreasing down to the level of
natural background. Admittedly, irradiation may act synergistically with
other noxious factors. Therefore, the optimal approach to the radiation
protection is “as low as reasonably practicable”. Excessively strict
regulations would cause some industries and modern technologies
relocating to countries with less legalistic traditions. The environmental
movement was founded on economic prosperity and complacency.
When the global peace is threatened, the attitude should change.
Since many years we have tried to demonstrate that certain
scientific writers and environmental campaigners act in accordance
with the interests of governments selling petroleum and natural gas
[1,2]. Most evident is this tendency in regard to ionizing radiation;
while the overestimation of medical and environmental side effects
of nuclear energy contributes to its strangulation [3], supporting
appeals to dismantle nuclear power plants (NPPs). The dismantling
of nuclear facilities is a complex affair; the work may span decades
exceeding the building time [4]. The cost of dismantling each NPP
may reach into billions of dollars [5]. The use of atomic energy for the
electricity production is on the agenda today due to increasing needs
of the growing humankind. The environmental damage is maximal
for coal and oil, lower for gas and much lower for atomic energy - the
cleanest and practically inexhaustible energy resource [3,6].
This review is focused on the radioactive contamination in the
Urals, where the consequences have been more severe in the long
run than those after the Chernobyl accident [1,2]. Mayak Production
Association (MPA), constructed in 1948, has been the first plutonium
manufacturing site in the former Soviet Union (SU). The dumping of
radioactive materials into the Techa river, 1957 Kyshtym accident and
dispersion by winds from the open repository lake Karachai (1967)
led to exposures of the local population and some personnel. The East
Urals Radioactive Trace (EURT) cohort includes people exposed after
the Kyshtym accident. The difference between contaminations in the
Urals and Chernobyl is that the latter was an accident, but the former
- a radioactive contamination tolerated since 70 years with several
accidents in between.
The Chernobyl catastrophe contributed to the dissolution of SU
with subsequent privatization of the state property. At least, disregard
for written instructions and safety rules were among the causes of
the Chernobyl accident [7-10]. The number of control rods in the
reactor was only half the minimum required for safe operation [11].
An emergency power system had been shut off, which is forbidden
during on-line operation [4]. Purportedly, this was done to carry out
an experiment [10,11], which might have been a pretext used to cover
sabotage. It is known that sabotage and stupidity often go hand in
hand. When some wreckers are caught, they pretend not realizing
possible consequences. The crew kept violating regulations until they
had run the reactor into unstable state that caused loss of control [4].
The weightiest argument against NPPs is that they are potential
war targets. Therefore, military threats are reasons against the use
of nuclear power for electricity production. Escalation of military
conflicts contributes to the maintenance of high fossil fuel prices.
This might have been one of the motives of unleashing the Ukraine
war. The Chernobyl accident was exploited for the same purpose [3],
followed by antinuclear protests in many countries [12,13]. In the
aftermath of Chernobyl, some citizens decided that it was time for
nuclear moratorium [4,14].
The tendency to overestimate health-related risks from lowdose
exposures has been noticed in Chernobyl-related studies
since approximately 1990 [15-17] and in the research from the
Urals since 2005; commented previously [1,2,18,19]. In earlier
Russian publications no cancer incidence elevation was reported
in populations with mean total exposures ≤0.5 Sv or among MPA
employees in general [20-25]. The absolute risk of leukemia per 1 Gy
and 10000 man-years was found to be 3.5-fold smaller in the Techa
river cohort compared to the Life Span Study (LSS) of atomic bomb
survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This was reasonably explained
by a higher impact of the acute exposure compared to protracted
or fractionated ones. Later on, the same scientists started claiming
similar risks for cancer and other diseases in the exposed cohorts of
the Urals and the LSS [26-28]. Along the same lines, an earlier study
found a reduction of cancer mortality in the EURT cohort compared
with the general population [23]. A review dated 2004 found the
same level of both cancer-related and all-cause mortality in the EURT
cohort and the control [21].
In a later report about the same population, the authors
avoided direct comparisons but fitted the data into a linear model.
Configurations of dose-response curves shown in this paper are
inconclusive but the authors claimed an elevated cancer risk in the
EURT population [29]. An unofficial directive was apparently behind
this ideological shift noticed around the year 2005. Manipulations with
statistics have been not unusual in the former SU [30]. Exaggeration
of risks from low-dose low-rate exposures contributed to anti-nuclear
resentments in other countries and strangulation of nuclear energy
for the boosting of fossil fuel prices [1,2,18].
Cardio- and cerebro-vascular conditions:
In earlier reports, an incidence elevation of cardio- and cerebrovascular
conditions, if even found in MPA, Techa river and EURT
populations, was not accompanied by a mortality increase [31-33].
This can be explained by a greater diagnostic effectiveness in people
with higher doses, leading to a recording of mild and questionable
cases. However, in a recent paper based on the MPA cohort, an
increased excess relative risk (ERR) of death from ischemic heart
disease was claimed for the dose range 5-50 mGy/year [34]. It seems
that our preceding comments [1,2], though not cited, have been
taken into account by some writers. The recent review by Koterov
et al. [35] has apparently been influenced by our comments cited in
[36] and commented [37]; trying, however, to shift the responsibility
for biased information onto foreign experts. This can be illustrated
by the following citation from the abstract: “In most sources, 2005-
2021 (publications by M.P. Little with co-workers, and others) reveals
an ideological bias towards the effects of low doses of radiation …
In selected M.P. Little and co-authors sources for reviews and metaanalyses
observed both absurd ERR values per 1 Gy and incorrect
recalculations of the risk estimated in the originals at 0.1 Gy” [35]. Of
note, Koterov [36] used mistranslations with a change of meaning in
his Russian-language writings, commented in [37]. It must be stressed
that relevant research with participation of Dr. Little [38-40] processed
the data originating from Russian co-authors. In this connection, it
should be agreed that the “Russian national mortality data is likely
to be particularly unreliable, with major variations in disease coding
practices across the country [41,42], and should therefore probably
not be used for epidemiologic analysis, in particular for the Russian
worker studies considered here [43-46]” [47].Enhanced risks of cardiovascular diseases were claimed for
Chernobyl, MPA, Techa river and EURT populations, where mean
dose rates have been comparable with those from the natural radiation
background. There are many populated areas in the world where dose
rates from the natural background are ≥10-fold higher than the global
average (2.4 mSv/year) with no health risks reliably proven [48]. The
mean individual annual dose to residents of the Russian Federation
(RF) in 2020 ranged from 2.47 mSv (Kamchatka) to 9.06 (Altai) with
an average of 4.18 mSv [49]. In the above-mentioned cohorts from
the Urals the doses have been protracted over decades: the MPA
workers were first employed in the years 1948-1982. For example,
the mean dose of gamma-radiation was 0.54 Gy in men and 0.44
Gy among women in an MPA cohort study, where the incidence of
arteriosclerosis in lower limbs correlated with the radiation dose [50].
The average doses in the Techa river cohort were 34-35 mGy while
the follow-up was since the 1950s [51], so that the dose rates were
compatible with those from the natural background. Apparently, the
data from the Techa river cohort have not enough statistical power
for a precise evaluation of dose-effect relationships. The authors
themselves acknowledged that the risks for the doses ≤0.1 Gy may be
lower than those calculated on the basis of a linear model [52].
In particular, the risk estimates by Azizova et al. [53] were
significantly higher than those by other researchers [54]. Among
members of the MPA cohort who received gamma-ray doses ≥0.1 Gy,
the incidence of circulatory diseases was found to be higher than in
people exposed to lower doses [55,56]. Cause-effect relationships are
improbable at this level of exposure, considering the dose comparisons
provided here. The UNSCEAR could not reach a final conclusion in
regard to causality between exposures ≥1-2 Gy and cardiovascular
diseases [57]. Apparently, the level 1-2 Gy is an underestimation as a
result of the screening effect, selection, self-selection, other bias and
confounding factors in the epidemiological research [1,2].
Dose levels associated with cardiac derangements in animal
experiments and in humans after radiotherapy are much higher
than averages in the cohorts discussed above [58-62]. Results of
bioassays are generally not supportive of harmful effects of low doses,
with possible exception of genetically modified animals [62,63]. In
certain experimental and epidemiological studies, low doses were
protective against cardiovascular and other adverse effects [61,64-
69]. In humans after radiotherapy, myocardial fibrosis developed
after exposures ≥30 Gy. An increased risk of coronary disease has
been noticed after radiotherapy with doses 7.6-18.4 Gy [59], which is
higher than averages in the cohorts discussed above.
It has been noted in the recent review that a “diagnosis (by a
physician knowing the patient’s history) could vary with dose” [39]. The
same has been noticed in [1,2,18]. Mild and borderline abnormalities
are more often diagnosed in individuals with higher doses due to
more thorough examinations and the people’s attention to their own
health. The high incidence and mortality of cardiovascular diseases in
studied populations [38] can be explained by the screening effect with
recording of mild cases and unsubstantiated diagnoses post mortem.
At least in the former SU, there is a tendency to use cardiovascular
diseases as post mortem diagnoses in unclear cases [70].
The unreliability of data on mild conditions can be confirmed by
the greater risks of cerebro-vascular diseases at higher radiation doses
in females than in males [71]. This agrees with the known tendency
that women in RF care more than men about their health. Middleaged
and elderly men are visibly underrepresented among visitors
of healthcare institutions; hence the worldwide greatest sex gaps in
the life expectancy: countries of the former SU are at the top of the
list [72]. Accordingly, the diagnostics in women is on average more
efficient. Therefore, the screening effect must be more pronounced in
females than in males.
Similar tendencies have been noticed in regard to cataracts.
Results of the studies reporting correlations between the cumulative
radiation dose and cataract incidence among MPA workers [73-75]
have been questioned [76,77]. The risk in higher dose groups starting
from 0.25-0.50 Sv was found to be significantly higher than that in the
control group having ≤0.25 Sv. The average doses were 0.54±0.061 Gy
in males and 0.46±0.01 Gy in females [74]. Dose-effect relationships
were claimed for cataracts; but the well-known association of the
latter with diabetes mellitus was not confirmed [74-76]. This called
into question the biological relevance of other results by the same
researchers. Presumably after the critical comments [76], the data
on diabetes did not reappear in a subsequent article by the same
researchers [78]. Of note, there were no significant associations of the
radiation dose with cataract surgeries [79]. The cataracts including
mild cases not requiring surgery must have been diagnosed more
frequently in individuals with higher doses due to an increased
attention to their own health and/or attention on the part of medics.
Earlier publications with participation of the same researchers
reported that radiation-induced cataracts developed among MPA
workers only after exposures ≥4 Gy [80]. A review of data from RF
indicated that chronic exposures ≤ 2 Gy were not associated with
cataracts [81].In animal experiments, the doses were higher than the averages in
Chernobyl, MPA and Techa river populations. Some experiments in
rodents investigated low doses and suggested that genetic factors have
an influence on the susceptibility to radiation-induced lens opacities
[61,82,83]. According to the UNSCEAR, a minimum of 3-5 Gy is
needed to produce significant opacities in animals which are, similar
to humans, not prone to the cataract development. Higher doses
are required if protracted or fractionated. The threshold for chronic
exposures was supposed to be in the range 6-14 Gy [84]. Later on,
lower thresholds and the no-threshold model have been suggested.
Based predominantly on epidemiological studies, ICRP revised
preceding recommendations and proposed a threshold of 0.5 Gy for
low linear energy transfer radiation. However, some epidemiological
studies have not supported this lower threshold for cataracts [61].
“A threshold for highly fractionated or protracted exposure was
judged as <0.5 Gy mainly from one paper [85] on cataracts at 12-14
years after exposure in Chernobyl clean-up workers” [86], whereas
a possibility of “underestimation of uncertainties” in dosimetry was
acknowledged [85]. A threshold for chronic exposures is uncertain
for lack of reliable evidence [86].
In a study of radiologic technologists, the cumulative occupational
exposure was associated with self-reported cataracts, but not with the
cataract surgery. “The population of radiologic technologists… is
medically literate” [87]. The self-reporting might have been related
to a professional awareness associated with a longer work experience
and hence with a cumulative dose. A similar pattern of significant
ERR for cataract morbidity but not surgery has been found in MPA
workers [78,79]. This agrees with the concept of a dose-dependent
diagnostic efficiency with a registration in persons with higher doses
of mild cases not requiring surgery. A significantly increased risk of
the cataract surgery as a function of radiation dose has been reported
only in LSS [88], where the effect of acute exposure could have been
indeed significant. Of note, the reports by Azizova [78,79] on “a clear
and significant increased ERR/Sv in females compared to males”
among MPA workers were designated as “the most striking study
observing sex effects relating to radiation-induced cataract incidence”
[89]. The sex differences can be attributed to a gender-related attitude
in the Russian healthcare. As mentioned above, middle-aged and
elderly men visit health care centers (polyclinics) on the average less
frequently than women. A higher frequency of cataracts in females
than in males was found also in a study of the Techa river cohort [90].
Undoubtedly, ionizing radiation is a proven cataractogen; but
doses and dose rates associated with risks, i.e. potential thresholds,
should be further investigated. The number of studies that provide
explicit biological and mechanistic evidence at doses ≤2 Gy is small
[88,91]. Some recent research used genetically manipulated or mutant
animals. Such data cannot be directly extrapolated to humans.
Reliable information can be obtained in large-scale bioassays.
Mechanisms of damage at low doses remain speculative and the
evidence inconclusive [92,93]. Summarizing the above and previously
published arguments [1,2], the harm caused by anthropogenic
radiation would tend to zero with a dose rate decreasing down
to a wide range level of the natural background. The damage and
repair are normally in a dynamic balance. Accordingly, there must
be an optimal exposure level, as it is for many environmental
agents: visible and ultraviolet light, various chemical elements and
compounds including products of water radiolysis [94]. Moreover,
the evolutionary adaptation to a changing environmental factor
would lag behind its current value. Natural background radiation
has been decreasing during the life existence on the Earth [95]; so
that there may be some adaptation to a higher background. There are
many substances and physical factors in the environment that are
toxic at some dose level. The lower anthropogenic radiation, the less
would be its share compared to the natural radioactive background
and other environmental factors [1,2]. There is considerable evidence
in favor of hormesis [61,64-69,96-99]. Admittedly, irradiation may
act synergistically with other noxa. Therefore, the petition to remove
the phrase “As low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA) from the
radiation safety regulations [100] is hardly justified, as exposures are
unpredictable during a human life, while their effects may accumulate.
However, the principle ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) is
more realistic and workable than the ALARA [101].
Nuclear power has returned to the agenda because of increasing
global energy demands and declining fossil fuel reserves. NPPs emit
virtually no greenhouse gases compared to fossil fuels [6]. Hopefully,
nuclear fission will be replaced in the future by fusion, which is
intrinsically safer. The fusion offers a potential source of clean power
generation with a plentiful supply of raw materials [5,102]. Durable
peace and international cooperation are needed for construction
of NPPs in optimally suitable places, notwithstanding national
borders, considering all sociopolitical, geographic, geologic factors,
attitude of workers and engineers to their duties (exemplified by the
Chernobyl accident in the Introduction above). Considering potential
vulnerability of large NPPs during armed conflicts, attention should
be directed to small reactors, which are generally safer and have some
economic advantages [103-107]. Small mobile reactors can be used
also by the military. Nuclear power is the road to a carbon free future.
The optimal approach to the radiation protection is to determine
thresholds and establish regulations to ensure that doses are kept
well below the thresholds [108], as low as reasonably practicable
considering economical realities. Otherwise, some industries and
modern technologies will flee to countries with less legalistic traditions
i.e. disregard for laws and regulations [109]. The environmental
movement was founded on economic prosperity and complacency.
When prosperity and the global peace are threatened, the attitude
must change [110].
According to a recent review, epidemiological data provide
essentially no evidence of harmful effects at doses <100 mSv [111].
The value 200 mSv has been mentioned in some reviews as a level,
below which a cancer risk elevation is unproven [112,113]. In the
author’s opinion, the current safety regulations are exceedingly
restrictive. Elevation of the limits must be accompanied by measures
guaranteeing their observance. Strictly observed realistic safety
norms would bring more benefit for the public health and economy
than excessive restrictions that would be violated by some nations
disregarding laws and regulations.
Fossil fuels are used as a political weapon today [114]. Oil and
natural gas will become increasingly expensive in the long run,
contributing to excessive population growth in the producing regions
and poverty elsewhere. Probably not all writers and green activists
exaggerating medical and ecological risks from nuclear energy do
realize that they serve the interests of fossil fuel producers. Many
of them have good intentions; some are ideologically biased, serve
certain companies or governments. Citizens should be aware that their
best intentions are exploited to disadvantage their own countries. The
weightiest consideration against NPPs is that they are potential targets
during armed conflicts. By analogy with the Chernobyl accident, the
war damage and shutdown of the Zaporozhie NPP (the largest NPP
in Europe) enhances demands for oil and gas. Apparently, one of the
motives to unleash the war in Ukraine, of the militarist rhetoric and
threats to use nuclear weapons [115,116], has been the strangulation
of nuclear energy and boosting fossil fuel prises.
Studies of human populations exposed to low-dose low-rate
ionizing radiation, though important, will hardly add much reliable
information on dose-effect relationships. Some reviews analyzed
together papers of different quality and reliability. The inter-study
heterogeneity makes assessment of risks problematic [92,117].
Finally, political and economical interests sometimes overweighed
scientific objectivity [1,2]. Screening effect, selection and ideological
biases will contribute to appearance of new reports on enhanced risks
from a moderate anthropogenic increase of the radiation background,
which would not prove causality. Reliable results can be obtained in
lifelong animal experiments. The life duration is a sensitive endpoint
attributable to radiation exposures [118], which can measure net
harm, if any, from low-dose exposures.
Certain writers and environmental campaigners, exaggerating
medical and ecological consequences of the anthropogenic increase in
the radiation background, serve the interests of fossil fuel producers.
Some of them may have good intentions; others are ideologically
biased or have a conflict of interest. Tendentiousness is recognizable
in reports aimed at the strangulation of nuclear energy and boosting
fossil fuel prices. A safe implementation of nuclear power should be
managed by an authority based in developed countries. The economy
must become independent from politically unpredictable nations
[119], including those producing fossil fuels.
Conflicts of Interest:
The author declares that he has no conflicts of interest.References
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84. UNSCEAR (1982) Report. Annex J: Non-stochastic effects of irradiation. New York: United Nations.