Journal of Syndromes
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Research Article
Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum: an Interprofessional Approach
Serrano AF1* and Natalia M2
1Physician, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales,Colombia
2Department of Pediatrics, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
*Address for Correspondence: Serrano AF, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambien-
tales, Bogotá Colombia, Email:
Submission: July 01, 2021
Accepted: August 03, 2021
Published: August 07, 2021
Copyright: © 2021 Serrano AF, et al. This is an open access
article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Introduction: Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum (PAIVS)
is congenital heart disease (CHD) with patent ductus arteriosus
and the complete obstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract as
a result of pulmonary valve atresia. It occurs in 4 to 8 per 100,000 live
births, representing 1 to 3% of all heart defects in children.
Case report: A 17-year-old primigravida without previous prenatal
controls and her preterm newborn 30 weeks of gestation is admitted
to the hospital. The infant showed signs of central cyanosis, with
persistent hypoxia and metabolic acidosis; echocardiogram showed
the absence of the right ventricular outflow tract (tricuspid atresia) with
an intact interventricular septum, confirming the diagnosis of PA-IVS.
Her evolution was slow, and she showed signs of low systemic blood
flow, ultimately resulting in death.
Conclusions: PA-IVS is a rare and complex CHD with a broad
spectrum of presentation. Echocardiographic imaging plays a vital
role in the diagnosis of this disease. An interprofessional approach,
along with clinical and imaging knowledge of this disease is essential
to provide the appropriate monitoring, early guidance, and effective
treatment that improves the survival rate of this anomaly.
Heart disease is the most common congenital disorder in
newborn infants, with a prevalence of 13 per 1000 live births [2]; out
of this rate, 15% corresponds to cyanotic lesions, of which one third
are potentially fatal [3]. Cyanosis is defined as a blue discoloration of
the tissues, as a result of high concentrations of reduced hemoglobin
in capillary blood, exceeding the normal 3 g/ dL[1].
The pathophysiology of cyanotic heart disease is characterized
by the pass of non-oxygenated blood from the right ventricle and
atrium of the heart to the left ones. They can be classified by the
pulmonary blood flow rate of the patient. Pulmonary atresia with the
intact ventricular septum (PA-IVS) is among the cyanotic congenital
heart diseases (CHD)s with the decreased pulmonary flow [4], and is
characterized by a complete obstruction of blood flow between the
right ventricle and the pulmonary arteries. This causes high pressure
and forces a passage of desaturated blood from the right atrium to
the left, also known as an atrial septal defect (ASD), which results in
cyanosis in the newborn. Due to a lack of oxygenated bloodthe body
creates mechanisms to avoid hypoperfusion and death, like Patent
Ductus Arteriosus (PDA). As the body creates a dependency from it,
PDA is considered a surgical emergency in pediatrics [5,6].
Its prevalence is 0.04 to 0.08% and represents 1% -3% of all heart
defects in children [7]. Without interventional care, it has a 50%
chance of mortality during the first 2 weeks of life and 85% in the first
few months. With the advancement of new surgical techniques, longterm
90%with biventricular repair and systemic to pulmonary artery shunt,
and approximately 80% with univentricular repair [5,8]
Case Report
Preterm newborn of a 17-year-old primigravida with no prenatal
controls; She was admitted to the delivery room with suspected
chorioamnionitis secondary to preterm premature rupture of the
membranes. The admission ultrasound revealed only one ventricle
heart, an indication of possible CHD. C-section was performed
at 30 weeks, with a birth weight of 1,200 g - 38 cm height, APGAR
7-7-8 at 1, 5, and 10 minutes; however, the infant showed persistent
central cyanosis, nasal flaring, visible apnea, thoracoabdominal
asynchrony, and audible expiratory grunt when checked with a
stethoscope; With Silverman Andersen the score of 5, the airway
was secured by orotracheal intubation, and the patient was
transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit. Chest X-ray showed
moderate cardiomegaly and sinus tachycardia was observed in the
electrocardiogram (ECG). An evaluation by pediatric cardiology
was performed and an echocardiogram was performed; it revealed
tricuspid and pulmonary atresia, wide ASD with right-to-left shunt,
hypoplastic RV, univentricular anatomy with low pulmonary flow
and patency of ductus arteriosus, which confirmed the PA-IVS
diagnosis. Prostaglandin E1 infusion was initiated to keep the patent
ductus arteriosus open.
After stabilization and weight gain, percutaneous radiofrequency
perforation of the pulmonary valve was proposed.
During her clinical stay, she deteriorated progressively, showing
marked abdominal distension, leukocytosis, the elevation of acutephase
with asymmetric rotation and edema on the intestinal wall
(Figure 1). Necrotizing enterocolitis was suspected, so the patient was
placed on antibiotics.
Figure 1: AP abdomen X-ray. Evidence of intestinal loop distention, and
prominent intramural bowel gas. Source: Images taken from the hospital.
On the eighth day of admission her condition worsened. She
showed signs of low cardiac output, persistent deep apneas with
difficult recovery, altered state of consciousness, bradycardia and
subsequent asystole; CPR was performed, but ultimately resulted in
PA-IVS is a rare CHD characterized by the absence of blood
flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary valve due to an
obstruction[10]. It is considered a critical, ductus-dependent CHD,
that includes pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum, and
variable degrees of RV hypoplasia [9,10].
The first cases described were documented by Hunter, Hare
and Peacock in 1783, 1853 and 1871, respectively; An intact
ventricular septum was the common finding in different cases of
hypoplasia of the right cavities. These case reports inspired a more
thorough investigation of this anomaly, and nowadays different
surgical techniques that improve the prognosis and narrow the
pathophysiology of this malformation has been developed [7,11].
PA-IVS is a rare CHD characterized by the absence of blood flow
from the right ventricle to the pulmonary valve due to an obstruction
[10]. It is considered a critical, ductus-dependent CHD, that includes
pulmonary atresia with an intact ventricular septum, and variable
degrees of RV hypoplasia [9,10].
The first cases described were documented by Hunter, Hare,
and Peacock in 1783, 1853, and 1871, respectively; An intact
ventricular septum was the common finding in different cases of
hypoplasia of the right cavities. These case reports inspired a more
thorough investigation of this anomaly, and nowadays different
surgical techniques that improve the prognosis and narrow the
pathophysiology of this malformation have been developed [7,11]].
The pathogenesis of PA-IVS is still unclear; It has been theorized
that an insult during the sensitive stages of embryological development
or inflammation of the pulmonary valve that seals it after birth might
be possible causes [3,12,13].
Depicts the alterations that occur in the pulmonary valve,
tricuspid valves, and the RV, structures that are highly compromised
in PA-IVS, and were also found in the patient in the present study
(Figure 2). Retrieved from González et al. [10]
The most common abnormality of the pulmonary valve is the
fusion of its three valves, that create a thin membrane that prevents
blood flow [14]; It is also possible to find an obliteration of the
right ventricular infundibulum resulting in muscular infundibular
atresia [15,16]. It is associated with a wide range of morphological
and functional alterations of both the RV and the tricuspid valve,
endomyocardium, and can even affect coronary circulation [15-17].
The different abnormalities associated to PA-IVS and their frequency
of association can be found in (Table 1).
Retrieved from Portela et al. [9]
Pulmonary valve atresia is divided into membranous and
muscular forms. It is essential to distinguish between these two types
because the membranous form has a better long-term prognosis
compared to its muscular version, due to the former having a higher
incidence of abnormal connections between the RV and the coronary
arteries [10,18].
Such RV connections are known to cause (9):
• RV hypoplasia in 90% of cases.
• Right ventricular hypertension, which in turn leads
• Sinusoids and endocardial fibroelastosis.
• Ventricular-coronary arterial connections
• Possible left ventricular obstruction.
The patient manifested cyanosis, respiratory distress, persistent
hypoxemia with failed hyperoxia, and metabolic acidosis, these being
the most prevalent symptoms of PA-IVS. Moderate cardiomegaly,
a common finding when identifying this entity, was observed in the
radiography [19]. Low cardiac output syndrome led to necrotizing
enterocolitis and subsequent cardiac circulatory collapse, resulting in
Given the absence of prenatal check-ups, the fetal imaging
guidelines were not followed in our patient. According to the
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, performing
complete fetal echocardiography between weeks 18 and 24 on
patients with suspected CHD is recommended [19-21]. The diagnosis
of PA-IVS is possible with echocardiography, where the absence of
the RV outflow tract and intact ventricular septum can be observed,
as was the case in our patient [21]. After the PA-IVS diagnosis was
completed, the patient was given prostaglandin infusion to maintain
the patent ductus arteriosus open. This is vital for survival before
surgery because it is one of these procedures that allow pulmonary
blood flow to continue [10].
In interventional care, the degree of RV hypoplasia must
be taken into account to decide upon one of these procedures;
biventricular repair (separates pulmonary and systemic circulation
with two functional ventricles) [5], univentricular repair (separates
pulmonary and systemic circulations with only the left ventricle),
and systemic to pulmonary artery shunt (separates pulmonary and
systemic circulation with two ventricles, but the RV does not fully
resist pulmonary circulation) [11]. A heart transplant can also be
performed, especially in patients with aortocoronary atresia.
PA-IVS is a rare and complex CHD with wide heterogeneity.
There is still unclear pathophysiology; however, it is believed that an
insult during the sensitive stages of embryological development could
be the reason for this.
Echocardiographic imaging plays an essential role in the diagnosis
of this disease. The management of newborns with this heart defect is
complex, initially seeking stabilization of the patient to continue with
interventional care. It is known that an interprofessional approach,
along with clinical and imaging knowledge of this disease is essential
to provide appropriate monitoring, early guidance, and effective
treatment to improve the survival rate of these patients.
Ethical Considerations
The present case report was carried out with the informed consent
of the patient’s parents, maintaining privacy and anonymity, and may
serve as an alert and report to shed light on this rare disease.