Editorial Board
is Professor of Anatomy-Histology, University of Crete Medical School, Greece. He is a specialist in Pathology and Clinical Cytology. His research interests include matrix biology, tumor biology and signal transduction, disease markers, molecular targets, biological testing, structure analysis of carbohydrates.

is currently Chairman of the Department of Urology, Medical University Innsbruck and the head of the European Center for Prostatic diseases in Innsbruck, Tyrol. His main clinical interests include oncologic prostatic surgery (open as well as robotic assisted) and BPH related laser therapy. He is also the head of 3 urological laboratories dealing with immunotherapy and prostatic carcinomas.

is the Chairman and Professor Department of Emeregncy Medical Science at Kanazawa University. His current research focuses on Elimination of teicoplanin by adsorption to the filter membrane during haemodiafiltration: Screening experiments for linezolid, teicoplanin and vancomycin followed by in vitro haemodiafiltration models for teicoplanin.

is an Assistant Director, Department of Cardiology at Interventional Cardiologist University Hospital Antwerp, Belgium. He is a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology and member of many other societies. His clinical research is mainly situated in the field of percutaneous treatment of structural heart disease (mainly percutaneous aortic valve implantation).

is Deputy Medical Director, Laboratory Medicine Program, University Health Network, Professor of Pathology, University of Toronto. His current research include Molecular aspects of various types of cancer in addition to on-going research from South Africa on oesophageal squamous carcinoma.

is Chief at department of oncology at the National University Hospital in Copenhagen, and is in charge of research in lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma. His current research focus on new targeted treatments and predictive markers for medical antineoplastic treatments, included both targeted agents and classical chemotherapy.

is currently the Assessment Director for the MBBCh programme at the Swansea University College of Medicine. His research interests are in innovative integrated assessment systems and he has presented his findings at both national and international conferences on medical education and assessment.

is the Head of OBGYN Department at Mutah University and involved in studying endometriosis and related pelvic pains in his local community and is heavily involved in promoting awareness of this disease and related symptoms, especially among health professionals and families within the Middle East. His major research interest is in endometriosis pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment.

is the Chief of Research at William Osler Health System, Canada. As an Executive Director, he has Chaired Research Ethics Boards in Canada for over 20 years in institutions that support research from areas such as cardiovascular, neurosurgical, organ transplantation, obstetrics and gynecology and especially specialized institutions in cancer, psychiatric, geriatric and community care.

is Chairman and Professor of Surgery College of medicine and medical Sciences Arabian Gulf University Kingdom of Bahrain, Manama. He is an International member of American urological association since 2007, Member of the German urological association since 1983 and Corresponding member of European Association of urology since 2006.

is working at Head of department in Pediatrics, Innsbruck Medical University, Austria. His research interests are Rheumatology, Nephrology, Infectious diseases and Endocrinology, Pediatrics.

is the Director for Advanced Education in Specialty of Periodontics & Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology, University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Dentistry. Her current research focuses on Immediate and delayed complications related to dental implant placement and Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on implant survival.

is Deputy Dean for Education at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, USA. His current research focuses on Medical Education and Learning Communities in Health Sciences education.

is a Professor of Surgery at Stanford University and vascular surgery chief at Palo Alto VA Medical Center. She has multiple NIH and VA funded projects and she is interested in both clinical and translational research.

is a Professor of Medical Microbiology & Consultant in Diagnostic Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan. His main research activities concentrate on medical diagnosis of human Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi, epidemiology of infectious agents and antimicrobial resistance, detection of virulence factors of bacteria & Fungi by molecular techniques.

is Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Temple University School of Medicine, USA. He joined the faculty at Temple University Medical School in 1977. His major interests involved experimental carcinogenesis, chemical and physical DNA damages and molecular mechanisms of their repair, and anatomic pathology.

is a Professor of Surgery at Temple University; is certified through the Japanese Boards of Surgery, Thoracic Surgery and Cardiovascular Surgery. His primary fields of interest is surgery for advanced cardiopulmonary diseases including coronary bypass surgery, ventricular assist device, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, heart transplantation, lung transplantation and heart-lung transplantation.

is currently working as Associate Professor of Clinical Microbiology at Jordan University of Science and Technology. He is also Special Advisor to the President of Yarmouk University for the faculty of Medicine and Hospital affairs. Dr. Nasser was a good strategic planner in King Abdulla university Hospital & Jordan University of Science and Technology.

is an Associate Professor of Medicine at University of Illinois in Chicago and a Chief of Endocrinology Section, Jesse Brown VA Medical Center. Her research interests include clinical and translation research in Diabetes prevention and treatment, Vitamin D, Nutrition, and Aging.

is an Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, Temple University School of Medicine. His research activities concentrate on the evidence-based biomedical research such as clinical, pre-clinical, basic and population sciences research related to study design and clinical trials, survival data analysis, categorical data analysis, nonparametrics, generalized linear/mixed-effects models and biomarkers.

is an Associate Professor in Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Temple University, USA. His research and clinical interests concentrate on Renal pathology in kidney disease and transplantation.

is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Stanford University School of Medicine and Director of Ophthalmic Diagnostics, Byers Eye Institute at Stanford in Palo Alto, CA. He has a diverse medical & surgical practice in vitreoretinal diseases & surgery. His research interests include novel imaging techniques & developing image-based predictive models for age-related macular degeneration.

is an Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at Wake Forest School of Medicine. Her research interests are Gastrointestinal oncology; clinical care of all gastrointestinal cancers (esophageal, stomach, pancreas, liver, biliary, colorectal and anal cancers); drug development and investigation of novel therapies for pancreatic cancer, billiary duct cancers and liver cancer.

is a Assistant Professor in the Stanford Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery trained in general surgery at UCSF and in plastic surgery at UCLA. His clinical interests include head and neck cancer reconstruction, as well as pediatric and adult craniofacial reconstruction. His research focuses on cell-based regenerative strategies for hard and soft tissue defects.

is a medical Oncologist, specializing in diagnosis and treatment of leukemia. He provides the highest level of care for patients with leukemia and patients undergoing stem cell transplantation and other aggressive therapies, including chemotherapy. He aims to develop immunotherapy to eliminate minimal residual diseases after chemotherapy or stem cell transplant to fight cancer cells.

is a Geriatrician at the Hospital Universitario de Getafe. Currently her research areas are falls and fractures, frailty, comprehensive geriatric assessment & care systems for the elderly. She also belongs to the Thematic Network on Aging Research and Cooperation and frailty (RETICEF) collaborating with the Toledo Study for Healthy Aging.

is an Assistant Professor of emergency medicine with trauma management, subspecialty at faculty of medicine in Jordan university of science and technology, and a member of the European society of emergency medicine. Her research interests are clinical care of trauma patients, trauma prevention and disaster management.

is an Assistant Professor of Interventional Neuroradiology, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science & Technology and Consultant Interventional Neuroradiologist, King Abdullah University Hospital, Jordan. He is a member of Jordanian Medical Association, German Medical association member and Full member of the European Society of Neuroradiology 2012.

is an Assistant Professor of anatomy at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST). He was granted with a fellowship from JUST to do PhD in anatomy. His research interests include Spinal Cord & Head Injury Research, Neurotrauma and study of the palatal rugae patterns in the Jordanian population.

is serving as an Assistant Professor at the Department of anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST). Her areas of interest and expertise include Mechanisms of neuronal degeneration in neurodegenerative diseases and Alterations subsequent to the induction of Parkinsonism and Diabetes Mellitus.

is currently serving as Assistant Professor at Fels Institute of Cancer Research and Molecular Biology, Temple University, USA. Her research activities mainly concentrate on transplant immunology, bone marrow failure disorders and epigenetic regulation of immune responses.

is Assistant Professor, Tuberculosis Division, Department of Microbiology, Hospital Infection Prevention Officer, IRCH, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India. His research focuses on Tuberculosis and Hospital Infection Control.

is an Assistant Professor, Sol Sherry Thrombosis Research Center Temple University School of Medicine. His research interests are Initiation mechanism of thrombosis, including signal transduction of platelet receptor activation and coagulation pathway; Physiological and pathophysiological functions of plasma kallikrein-kinin system and Phosphatidylserine regulation of innate immunity.

is currently employed as a Conjoint Lecturer with University of New South Wales School of Medicine and Clinical Associate Lecturer with University of Sydney School of Medicine. His research interests include Paediatrics, community maternal and child health, injuries and AIDS outreach.

is a Surgical Pathologist and Cytopathologist. She is an Assistant Professor at Temple University Hospital, USA. She is the Director of Residency Program, besides also being a Director of Cytopathology section. Dr. Manucha’s area of interests includes breast, genitourinary pathology and non-gynecologic cytopathology.

is a CardioThoracic Anesthesiologist with a clinical appointment with Temple University School of Medicine as Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology.

is a scientist E, Department of HIV/AIDS in Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR), Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, India. Her research mainly focuses on Leprosy and other microbacterial disease.