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volume 1 issue 1
Authors: Huai Cheng and Taylor Haight
Authors: Huai Cheng and Taylor Haight
Authors: Michelle Mei Yee Lai, Noreen Mughal, Christopher Fong and Stephen Fenner
Authors: Rachel WC NG, Chi Eung Danforn LIM, Nga Chong Lisa CHENG, Rebecca STRUTT, Jennifer HIRE, Maria CIGOLINI and Christopher ZASLAWSKI
volume 2 issue 1
Authors: Hamid R Okhravi, Meenal Walia and Robert M Palmer
volume 2 issue 2
Authors: Suyi Siow, Chi Eung Danforn Lim, Nga Chong Lisa Cheng, Christopher aslawski, Jennifer Wiltshire and Rebecca Strutt
Authors: Veronica Southard and Joanne DeFrancisco Donoghue
Authors: Nancy A Hodgson, Betty S Black, Deirdre Johnston, Constantine Lyketsos and Quincy M Samus
volume 3 issue 1
Authors: Mayra Dos Santos Silva, Caroline Moreira Bazzana, Luiz Roberto Ramos, Sergio Tufik, Lígia M. Lucchesi and Guiomar Silva Lopes
Authors: Taylor N Haight, Huai Yong Cheng and Carol Manning
Authors: Sanam Mahmoudzadeh and Armin Shahrokni
volume 4 issue 1
Authors: Luciana Laganà and Roxanne R. Prilutsky
Authors: XinQi Dong and Manrui Zhang
- Epidemiology of Physical Function Impairment in Global Chinese Aging Population: A Systematic Review
Authors: Xinqi Dong and Dan Su
Authors: Corinna E. Lathan, Ian Coffman, Rita Shewbridge, Marissa Lee, Rosanna Cirio, Pasquale Fonzetti, P. Murali Doraiswamy and Helaine E. Resnick
Authors: Gómez-Gómez C, Riquelme-Heras H, Aranda-Galarza I, Gutiérrez-Herrera R, Méndez-Espinosa E and Martínez-Lazcano F
volume 5 issue 1
Authors: Sierra-Ayala I, Gutierrez-Herrera R, Riquelme-Heras H, Gomez-Gomez C and Ordoñez-Azuara Y
volume 6 issue 1
Authors: Elaine Wat, Yan Ping Wang, Helen Yau Tsz Chan, Sally Wong, Wing Hung Ko, Patrick Hui, Frency Ng, Clara Bik San Lau, and Ping Chung Leung
volume 7 issue 1
Authors: Jargin SV
volume 8 issue 1
Authors: Gironés R, Paredero I, Arnal M, Puchades C, Rodríguez P, García J, Torregrosa M, Melián M, Aparisi F, Climent MA, Maestu I, de Julián M, Salvador C, Sandiego S, Gómez N, Soriano D, Ávila C, Domingo B, Ferrero A, Blanch S, Perea J, Sánchez A and Juan O