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volume 1 issue 1
Authors: Gillian Bowser, Emily N. Quick Bear, Amanda L. Purnell and Mark A. Brown
Authors: TA Aboellail, Naikare HK, Mahapatra D
volume 2 issue 1
Authors: JD Scott, Scott CM and Anderson JF
Authors: Serafim A Papadimitriou, Anthi Anatolitou, Georgia Brellou, Maria I Kouki and Ioannis Vlemmas
Authors: Lysimachos G Papazoglou, Eleni Basdani, Stefania Rabidi, Michael N Patsikas, Maria Karayiannopoulou
volume 2 issue 2
Authors: Stephen Q Garofolo, Christine Watson, Richard W Bianco and Nicholas A Robinson
Authors: John D Scott, Catherine M Scott and John F Anderson
Authors: Layla O Elmajdoub and Wahab A Rahman
volume 3 issue 1
Authors: Peter F. Surai and Vladimir I. Fisinin
Authors: Gwendoline Chaix, Sandrine Fournel, Nolwenn Crastes, Fanny Lloret, Patricia Monginoux, David McGahie and Natalia Bernachon
Authors: Yi Tang, Lin Lin, Eric A. Knoll, Patricia A. Dunn, Eva A. Wallner-Pendleton and Huaguang Lu
volume 3 issue 2
Authors: Katherine Wilkins and Mark A. Brown
Authors: Paul Schreiber, Annaële Sanquer, Virginie Martin, Christelle Fontaine and Sylvie Gueguen
Authors: Ilias Giannenas, Ioannis Skoufos, Eleftherios Bonos, Ioannis Sarakatsianos, Athina Tzora, Stylianos Skoufos, Efterpi Christaki and Panagiota Florou-Paneri
Authors: Peter F. Surai
Authors: Peter F. Surai
volume 4 issue 1
Authors: Emily Faulkner, Megan Hamrick and Mark A. Brown
Authors: L. M. Redondo, E. A. Redondo, F. Delgado, L. F. La Sala and M. E. Fernández Miyakawa
Authors: Huyam A ME Salih and Abdelhamid A M Elfadil
Authors: Kostas Katsoulis, Leonidas Leontides and George Kontopidis
Authors: B. Sudhakara Reddy and S. Sivajothi
Authors: S. Sivajothi and B. Sudhakara Reddy
volume 4 issue 2
Authors: Ali Rassouli, Hossein Ali Arab, Ismael Imani and Gholam Reza Shams
volume 5 issue 1
Authors: Mukhtar Rafiq Hama Karim and Faraidoon A. Sattar Muhammad
Authors: Indigestible Rumen Foreign Bodies - Causes of Rumen Impaction in Cattle, Sheep and Goats Slaughtered at Addis Ababa Abattoir Enterprise, Ethiopia
Authors: Yibrah Tekle and Tsega Berihe
Authors: 10.13188/2325-4645.1000030
volume 5 issue 2
Authors: Yibrah Tekle, Gezahegn Mamo and Gobena Ameni
volume 6 issue 1
Authors: Solomon Shiferaw
Authors: John D. Scott and Catherine M. Scott
volume 6 issue 2
Authors: Campanili PR, Sarturi JO, Trojan SJ, Ballou MA, Sugg JD, Ovinge LA and Lemos BJ
Authors: Abebu Wudeneh
Authors: Morka Dandecha Bayu
Authors: Morka Dandecha Bayu
volume 7 issue 1
Authors: Begna Bulcha Guta, Mehari Tarafa, Samson leta Regassa
Authors: Lucy V A Metcalfe
Authors: Sevidzem Silas Lendzele, Jacques François Mavoungou, Zinga-Koumba Roland Christophe, M’batchi Betrand
Authors: Katsoulis K and Rovoli M
Authors: Vahedi Noori N, Salehi A, Razavi M and Masoumi M
volume 7 issue 2
Authors: Tang Y, Lu H
Authors: Priskas S, Termatzidou SA, Gargani S, Arsenos G
Authors: Heredia Peralta DT, Simbaina Solano JC
volume 8 issue 1
Authors: Fesseha H, Aliye S, Kifle T and Mathewos M
Authors: John AL Maxwell
Authors: Warkaw Merachew and Tewodros Alemneh
volume 9 issue 1
Authors: Katsoulis K and Rovoli M
Authors: Foltin S and Ganslosser U
Authors: Kolkmeyer CA, Schmitz J and Gansloßer U
Authors: Umair S, Bouchet C and Baten A
Authors: Aktaş S, Erol A, Serinan EO, Gökbayrak OE and Altun Z
volume 10 issue 1
Authors: Saitoh T, Okamoto Y and Acosta TJ
Authors: Awan AR, Tulp OL, and Field HJ
Authors: Endo T, Terasaki M and Kimura O
Authors: Do HQ, Park YH, Kim SS, Lee J, Jung WK and Chung HC
volume 11 Issue 1
Authors: Tewodros Alemneh and Zewdu Seyoum