Smile increases the overall face value of a person. It is one attribute that is very powerful while making the first impression on another person. Smile depicts how confident you are. Oral hygiene plays an essential role in maintaining a beautiful smile. If your teeth are not clean, you must be suffering from bad breaths that result in lowering your confidence level. You are not going to communicate with people if you have bad breath that results in poor self-esteem.

If you have dirty teeth, it can lead to mouth infections. In such a case you can always look for good dental service and can always check with Coomera dentist. Also, you can follow the below mentioned ten best practices for healthy teeth:

  • Visit the dentist twice a year:

Normally people go to the dentist in case of a dental injury or some dental problems like swollen gum or cavity. However, it is recommended by experts to see the dentist at least twice a year. Like our body health, our oral health is important too. When you visit the dentist, he will clean the plague in your teeth; secondly, he will check the signs of cavity, swollen gums and even oral cancer.

The dentist will guide you properly about oral hygiene and how to clean your mouth regularly.

Check dentist who provides full services, affordable and nearby your home or office.

  • Change your toothbrush:

All of us are using a toothbrush and from good brands too. But very few people are aware of changing toothbrushes after three months. Yes, you read it write. It is important to change our toothbrush every three months for oral health. As bristles of toothbrush got old and unable to clean our mouth properly.  While buying toothbrushes, make sure the bristles of the toothbrush are not too hard as it will hurt your gums.  Hard bristle can also damage the teeth enamel, which is the main cause of sensitivity in the long run.

  • Brush properly:

It is very important to brush your teeth twice a day and brush properly. You must clean your tongue and inner part of your teeth too. Brush in slow motion up and down one by one and back and forth motion. Be gentle. Do not apply too much force or you might hurt your gums.

Take your time and clean it properly. Always clean your teeth by 45-degree angle and by applying less pressure. First, clean your teeth, gums then tongue and in last the roof of your mouth.  The first and last thing in your daily regime would be cleaning your teeth.

  • Use mouth wash:

Very few people use mouth wash. Most people do not consider it important in oral routine.

Mouth wash is not only the source to get rid of bad breath; only it has other benefits too, which are:

It can reduce germ. Mouth wash can freshen up your mouth and make it odorless. Mouth wash can reduce the speed of tooth decay. It can fight with the plague as well. Most people do not prioritize oral health which is a bad sign for oral health.

  • Use toothpaste with fluoride:

Fluoride is a component that can help you fight with cavities. One element which is recommended mostly by a dentist is fluoride. Always use mouth wash and toothpaste that carry fluoride. But make sure to consult the dentist first. Use a small amount of fluoride is good for teeth enamel. If white teeth appear on your teeth, consult your dentist as it is a sign of using toothpaste which has a large quantity of fluoride. Try different variants of toothpaste it will give you a fair idea about the product. Many townships in the U.S have a water facility that already contains fluoride, which is good for oral health.

  • Stay away from fizzy drinks, desserts, and candies:

We have to avoid food that carries a high amount of sugar, such as fizzy drinks, candies, and desserts. Sugar is the main cause of the cavity. It is difficult to clean sugar particles that are left by fizzy drinks and candies.  The mouth has a certain type of bacteria that eats these sugar particles that result in creating acid in the mouth, which is bad for teeth enamel.

These types of fizzy drinks are one of the main causes of the cavity.

  • Quit tobacco:

If you are a smoker or you chew tobacco, you must quit it. Tobacco not only stains your teeth, but it is one of the main causes of lung cancer, oral cancer, and gums disease.

If you want your teeth to be healthy quit smoking. It is dangerous for health.

  • Floss regularly:

If you want to clean your teeth thoroughly, you must adopt the habit of flossing. Flossing helps in cleaning the food residue that remains in teeth after eating. Regular flossing is a good habit. It also cleans those small particles which are stuck even after regular brushing. Yes brushing your teeth can clean the upper surface of teeth but what about the space between your teeth, for that purpose you need to floss. It will clean the tiniest space between teeth.

  • Eat a well-balanced diet:

Another important factor which helps in healthy teeth is eating a well-balanced diet. Eat a diet which has full of nutrients such as whole grains, fruits, green leafy vegetables, fish and calcium-rich diet.  Well, a balanced diet is good for the health of teeth.

Enough water:

You must consume enough water. Water helps to clean the teeth and reduce acidic activity in teeth. Whenever you feel thirsty, have water instead of any juice or fizzy drink. Water will rinse small particles left in the mouth.

  • Prevent Dental injury:

Mouth-guards areto save you from dental injury. Mostly athletes who are at professional level use mouth guards to prevent dental injury. The dentist designs Mouth-guardsaccording to the size of the mouth. Those youngsters, who are into skateboarding or ice skating, must check orthodontists first so that they can make mouth guards according to the size of the mouth.


These are the ten best practices to keep your teeth healthy. If you visit the dentist bi-annually, he will guide you about oral health, and how to keep the hygiene, those people who are facing teeth issues must visit the orthodontist regularly. You have to follow the proper technique of cleaning the mouth. Do not forget to clean the roof area, tongue and gums.  For healthy teeth, it is not only a matter of cleaning only but to keep a check at eating/drinking habits as well. Small steps towards the betterment of teeth can do wonders such as using mouth wash.

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