3 Ways To Treat Neuropathy More Effectively

If you’re dealing with peripheral neuropathy, most commonly known as, more simply, neuropathy, there’s a strong chance you’re still searching for an effective treatment. According to the Cleveland Clinic, neuropathy symptoms manifest in feelings like tingling or numbness in the extremities, the sensation of a sharp or stabbing chronic pain, or even paralysis. Following a formal neuropathy diagnosis, your doctor will start by treating any underlying conditions causing your symptoms, such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or vascular issues. They may then recommend medication, occupational or physical therapy, or, in some cases, surgery to treat your neuropathy symptoms.

All too often, though, those treatments do little to alleviate your nerve pain and another discomfort. By adding complementary therapies and improving your overall wellness alongside any prescribed medicines, you can begin to manage neuropathy and any related conditions better.

Naturopathy & Neuropathy


Natural health remedies have a long, expansive history, but their popularity in recent years is largely connected to a sense of hope. For many patients, natural remedies are where they turn when more conventional methods aren’t giving them the results and relief they need. The World Health Organization (WHO) categorizes naturopathy as Traditional and Complementary Medicine, offering an official classification within healthcare.

Naturopathic remedies have been shown to help treat diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic conditions, including those that cause neuropathy. Natural treatments such as supplements, massage therapy or acupuncture, and lifestyle changes can promote wellness and effectively ease neuropathy symptoms.

1. Natural ingredients can help treat neuropathy.


Traditionally, many cultures utilize natural ingredients to treat health concerns, including chronic nerve pain or discomfort. In the modern age of medicine, patients can take advantage of these benefits in easy-to-access supplements. Not only do these supplements make it easier (and often faster) to get these ingredients into your system, but they often combine multiple beneficial ingredients to compound the supplement’s effect on your symptoms. For neuropathy, an all-natural treatment like Nerve Control 911 can ease your nervous system, reduce inflammation, and even lower blood pressure and anxiety. With impactful ingredients like marshmallow root, California poppy seed, marshmallow root, passion flower, and corydalis powder, Nerve Control 911 will not only support your nervous system, but you can start seeing relief from symptoms of your chronic condition as soon as the first week of use.

2. Treatments like massage therapy and acupuncture can alleviate symptoms.


When it comes to neuropathy caused by nerve damage, decreased blood flow, and other medical conditions. Natural treatments such as massage therapy and acupuncture can ease pain and discomfort. Acupuncture can effectively promote pain relief and nerve health but, for those with a sensitivity to needles, therapeutic massage offers similar benefits—with far fewer pointy objects. Remedial massage, in particular, can restore balance to your body, alleviating pain and discomfort in the process. Your massage therapist will discuss your medical history and any underlying causes of your misery in a professional consultation before you take it to the massage table. Because remedial massage therapy uses different forms of massage with various levels of pressure, its soothing effect can no matter how much pressure your body needs, whether it’s a deep-tissue massage or a lighter touch.

3. Simple lifestyle changes can lessen your discomfort.


It sounds almost too simple, but a focus on a healthy lifestyle and more general wellbeing can do wonders in effectively treating your neuropathy symptoms. Ask your doctor, physical therapist, or nutritionist for recommendations for improving your diet, exercise routine, and other lifestyle factors. By maintaining a healthy weight, eating well, and staying active, your body will benefit from increased oxygen, blood flow, and nerve health.

Neuropathy has many causes and many ways to treat it. But, when conventional and prescribed treatments aren’t working as effectively as you’d like, alternative remedies can give you some much-needed relief. From supplements and a healthy diet to exercise and therapeutic massage, turning to the natural world might lessen your neuropathy symptoms once and for all.

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