Best Ways to Repair Damaged or Broken Dentures

A broken tooth is the cause of trauma as it shatters confidence and holds back an individual from smiling in a public place. Your tooth may crack due to accidents or eating hard food like ice cubes or candy. No matter what the cause of a broken tooth may be, the good news is that there is a solution evolved by the modern dentist to rectify the situation. The use of advanced technology has enabled the discovery of solutions to deal with most dental problems.

There are provisions for emergency dental treatments and dental services for patients all across the globe. Hence, all the patient needs to get in touch with the right dentist if they have a fractured or broken tooth. The dentist is the right person to guide you professionally regarding the various options that may best suit you after evaluating your condition.

You must know about common dental issues faced by kids

Many dental issues trouble kids:

  • Sensitive teeth:Sensitive teeth are something that may occur in any age group. It may result from various causes like injury or decay of a tooth, brushing too hard, and eating many candies. The situation gets worse when a child experiences pain while drinking something cold or hot. For treating sensitive teeth, children’s dentist Sacramento can evaluate your condition to identify the underlying causes. You may opt for sealants and other options available for rectifying the situation.
  • Oral habits: Oral habits like thumb or finger sucking are natural in children. After a certain point in time, those children who continue the pattern may cause tooth grinding. It may affect the overall alignment of the jaws and teeth. Moreover, it may result in extensive orthodontic treatment, even surgery. Hence, it is imperative to get in touch with a well-versed dentist who may help the child overcome the habit and keep the oral development on track.
  • Loose or damaged tooth: The loss of teeth may result from an accident that may occur at any point in time. However, tooth loss makes the child cautious of their appearance and makes them timid in the long run. Here, the parents must pay keen attention to the situation and thereby make provisions to get in touch with a dentist.

How to fix a broken tooth?

  • Crown: For covering up the affected portion of the teeth, crowns are the most useful method. They are an age-old solution when it comes to broken teeth. Compared to veneers, they are a thicker option and help restore the tooth’s appearance and shape. Generally, people use porcelain, metal, and ceramic to make them. Moreover, the procedure is considered safest compared to other alternatives in case of broken or decayed teeth.
  • Veneer: There are custom made shells manufactured from composite porcelain material. They are highly popular in the field cosmetic industry as a solution for enhancing your appearance. Many people feel timid and low on confidence because of broken or decayed teeth. For them, veneers are good to go.
  • Dental implants:Dental implants are a recent innovation in the field of dental history. Undoubtedly, they are an extensive option used for the restoration of broken teeth. Moreover, in case of an emergency, you may go to an urgent dentist. The dentist also uses a simple process that helps remove the broken teeth and thereby fix an implant. There are many benefits to this option, as these dentists give a permanent solution with minimum maintenance. In addition to this, full mouth implants provide the patient with stability and comfort compared to other alternatives.
  • Bonding: It is the least used method for rectifying damaged teeth. The dentist uses an uncomplicated chip made up of composite materials to correct and improve the mouth’s appearance. Following this, you may use blue light for hardening the composite molding and thereby fixing the teeth.
  • Root canal:Cracked tooth or broken tooth may lead to the development of infectious pulp in the tooth’s vacant space. It is in these situations that dentists recommend a root canal. They first remove the infection and then locate a crown to prevent any further damage in the area. Root canaling is the option for patients with severe dental problems.

In addition to this, dental sealants are the most popular process for fixing tooth holes and protecting the cracked and infected tooth. Sealants act as a barrier in the path of bacteria, causing a cavity. The cavity is the primary reason for the damage of the teeth. The dentist locates a sealant at the backside of the pre-morals and morals. Therefore, you must get in touch with the right dentist for proper dental treatments. You cannot compromise on your teeth as with a good set of teeth comes reasonable confidence.  You have to pay attention to good oral health.

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