What is Garcinia Cambogia? Know these 5 Amazing Garcinia Cambogia Benefits

A tropical fruit resembling a cross between a tomato and a pumpkin, Garcinia Cambogia is known as Malabar tamarind, brindle-berry, and puli (pot) tamarind. It grows to the size of a medium-sized orange with a red or yellowish appearance.

The Garcinia tree is native to Southeast Asia and India. Traditionally, the fruit has been used as a flavoring agent in cooking due to its sour taste. People have also been using this fruit as a traditional remedy for treating intestinal parasites, abnormal bowel function, and rheumatism.

It was in the late 1960s when scientists first identified the health benefits of Garcinia Cambogia. Many research studies have since attempted to authenticate claims regarding its health benefits some of which we will discuss later in this post.

Popular as a weight loss supplement, Garcinia Cambogia is now exported all over the world from India, Indonesia, and Myanmar.

Why is the Secret to the Health Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia?

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), found in the rind of the fruit is believed to be the active ingredient responsible for numerous health benefits of Garcinia Cambogia. It is the main organic acid component of Garcinia Cambogia.

Scientific research concerning Garcinia Cambogia has so far focused on studying the characteristics and working mechanism of HCA.

Listed below are the top five benefits of HCA, found in Garcinia Cambogia fruit, extract, or supplements.

  1. Garcinia Cambogia Can Help Reduce Your Appetite

Animal studies conducted on rats indicate that Garcinia Cambogia supplements can help reduce appetite.

Studies conducted on humans have also shown that Garcinia Cambogia is helpful in suppressing appetite. If consumed in recommended quantities, HCA can make you feel full for an extended duration of time.

Researchers are yet to discover how exactly Garcinia Cambogia or HCA suppresses appetite. However, some animal studies suggest that HCA can boost the serotonin level in the brain.

Often referred to as the happy chemical, serotonin is known to contribute to emotional well-being. It is also linked to appetite suppression. Scientists believe that an increase in serotonin levels is how HCA functions as an appetite suppressant.

  1. Garcinia Cambogia Can Block Fat Production  

Some studies have established the fact that HCA is effective in blocking an enzyme called citrate lyase which turns sugar into fat in the human body.

This enzyme acts as a catalyst for converting citrate into acetyl-coenzyme A, which ultimately aids in syntheses of cholesterol, fatty acid, and triglycerides.

Garcinia Cambogia is thought to block or slow down the production of fat in the human body by inhibiting the citrate lyase enzyme. This can ultimately help reduce blood fat levels and aid weight loss or prevent weight gain.

Higher blood fat and weight gain are among the leading disease risk factors.

One study suggests that Garcinia Cambogia Premium 95% HCA may be particularly effective in preventing the accumulation of visceral fat in people who have been struggling with weight gain.

  1. Garcinia Cambogia Can Regulate Cholesterol Levels 

Some studies support the claim that Garcinia Cambogia or HCA may be helpful in reducing cholesterol levels in the body.

In a study involving moderately obese people, researchers observed a 6.3% reduction in cholesterol levels and an 8.6% reduction in blood triglycerides among the participants.

During this study that lasted 8 weeks, the participants were given 2800 mg of Garcinia Cambogia on a daily basis. While the ‘good’ LDL cholesterol levels in the participants increased by around 10.7%, the bad LDL cholesterol levels reduced by around 12.3%.

  1. Garcinia Cambogia Can Help Improve the Digestive System

HCA can help improve the digestive system. Animal studies indicate that it provides significant protection against stomach ulcers. HCA is also known to reduce damage to the digestive tract’s inner lining.

Other studies suggest that Garcinia Cambogia increases the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), thus improving the hormonal function.

  1. Garcinia Cambogia Helps Lower Blood Sugar

Consuming Garcinia Cambogia can help lower blood sugar levels.

However, people suffering from diabetes are advised not to take this route as their blood sugar can drop to dangerous levels. HCA can interact with diabetes treatments and lead to adverse results.

HCA or Garcinia Cambogia has not been adequately studied until now in pregnant women and women who breastfeed. Therefore, they shouldn’t use Garcinia Cambogia.

People with liver diseases, prior kidney damage, Alzheimer’s, or some other type of dementia should not use it either.

The bottom line is that anyone who has an existing health condition should consult a doctor before consuming Garcinia Cambogia for its weight loss benefits.

Final Words

Garcinia Cambogia extract is primarily recommended as a weight loss supplement. As discussed above, Garcinia Cambogia or HCA can block fat production, reduce belly fat, and suppress appetite. These are among the main characteristics that we look for in a herbal weight loss solution. But keep in mind that Garcinia Cambogia is not recommended as a way out for reducing blood sugar or cholesterol levels.

Author Bio

Sarah Remmington is one of the founders of Garcinia Cambogia 100 Pure supplements based out of Southern California with several other locations throughout the US. Sarah’s company has become a global brand and now a household name with the success of her most popular dietary supplement which has been featured on many different media channels.

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