Science of Genetically Modified Crops

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are the organisms whose genetic material is artificially changed which enable to carry out functions that cannot be done normally by naturally. For example, a genetically modified (GM) tomato, is the one whose genetic makeup has been altered by insertion of a gene of a fish that lives in very cold water to enable the GM tomato to survive even in cooler temperatures.

The purpose of genetically modification is the ability to create crops to survive even sprayed with harmful chemicals like pesticides and herbicides. Other purposes are to make food stay fresher for longer period, to kill pests and to produce more crop and to experiment with taste and quality.

images (1)The benefits of Genetic Modification are:

• The agricultural process is kinder to the environment by using less pesticides, fertilizers and water.
• Gene technology is one of the finest solutions to the problem of world hunger which increases production and lowers the cost of food.
• Gene modification can also boost immunity and to develop inbuilt vaccines for livestock and poultry.
• Using gene technology, lactose-intolerant people can eat dairy products by removing lactose.
• GM crops are faster and cheaper.
• G M Foods are sometimes nutritious, tasting better and they keep longer.
• Many people rely on the genetically modified foods for medicines, for example insulin for diabetics.
• Proven by research that GM Foods are safe.

Disadvantages of Genetic Modification:
• Most food manufacturers are unable or unwilling to provide information on whether or not their
products contain GM ingredients. This means you rarely know what you are eating.
• GM crops can contaminate other crops simply by pollen being blown by wind from one field to another field.
• Sometimes GM crops have allergenic effects and also produce ecological side effects.
• Loss of nutritional value.
• Reduction of antibiotics efficiency .
• New viruses could evolve from the mass production of GM crops.
• The more that gene technology is used, the worse the environment will become.
• Pests may develop resistance to GM crops that have been designed to kill them.
• GM crops create religious complications.
• Vegetarians and Vegans may find it offensive to insert animal genes into plants.
• GM crops also cause harm to the wealth and welfare of animals.

Journal of Gene therapy

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