Tips for Finding the Best Background Check Services in Washington

Background checks are a vital part of hiring. According to The Sentencing Project, as many as one in three Americans have some criminal record. Talking about Washington specifically, the violent crime rate in Washington state is 2.93 per 1000 people. The same report shows that the overall crime per mile in Washington is 49, which is higher than the national median of 26.9.

You can’t hire someone without checking their background, and you don’t want to risk hiring someone who could cause your company problems. So, how do you find the best background check services in Washington? Here are some tips that will help:

Check Out the Company’s Website

Finding one that meets all your needs when searching for a background check service is critical. The best way to do this is by reviewing the company’s website and offer. Make sure you find a service specializing in background checks, specifically in Washington.

This can be truly useful for employees and employers. People often create fake resumes to lure employers. Washington background checks can help employers avoid such problems. Similarly, employees can find out if the company offering them a job is real or fake. 

This is particularly true with emails and text messages. Employees may receive phishing messages with links that lead to a fake website. A recent example is a scam for employment with Washington State Employment Security Department (ESD). Washington State ESD highlighted the issue through its Twitter handle.

The first thing you should look at on their site is how they describe themselves and what services they provide. See if any keywords or phrases seem relevant to your search, then read through those sections in detail. This will help give you an idea of whether or not this company will be a good fit for you and your business needs.

Next, review the types of background checks offered by the company and their pricing structure and policy regarding customer service inquiries. Finally, if any additional features such as convenience fees or expedited processing time options are available with this company’s services, be sure to read about them.

Speak to a Representative of the Company

When looking for background check services, asking the right questions is essential. You want a company with a good reputation and an established history of satisfied customers. While opting for the cheapest service is tempting, other factors should also be considered. Some questions to ask when choosing your background check service include:

  • Is the company licensed and bonded?
  • What kind of security measures does this company have in place?
  • How long has this company been in business?

Look at Reviews of the Company Online

In order to make sure you’re choosing the best background check services in Washington, it’s essential to look at reviews. According to BrightLocal, around 67% of customers with a positive experience will likely leave a review. On the other hand, 40% will leave a review for a negative experience.

For example, Washington state has long been a victim of unemployment fraud. Fraudsters stole around $645 million during the pandemic in unemployment fraud. If a background check company can help its client detect such scams, the client will provide a testimonial and write a review for the company.

Reviews can be found online and on social media sites like Facebook and Yelp. If you want to ensure that you are reading reviews from people who have used your background check service provider in the past year, you may also want to consider searching for more recent studies.

When looking for background check review sites, consider whether or not those companies are actually in the same industry as yours. If they are not, their views may not be relevant to your situation because their needs might differ from yours!

Find Out How Long the Company Has Been in Business

Ask about the company’s history. If you find that a background check service has been in business for a long time, chances are it’s reliable. Why? It’s because doing business over such a long period indicates that they’ve managed to build up their reputation and trust among clients.

Asking about the length of time a company has been in business is just as important as asking about their qualifications or certifications, if not more important! You can also head to the Secretary of States’ Washington business search website and search for the business’s name. This will retrieve all the information about the business, including its official website and how long the company has been in the business.

Consider whether or not the service offers any special features or benefits. Some services offer free packages with every order placed through them. In contrast, others provide affordable pricing plans depending on how often you need them (for example, monthly plans versus annual plans). It’s also worth noting whether or not these companies offer any kind of warranty or guarantee on their services. This can be a good indicator of their confidence in their work and whether or not they’ll stand by it.

Ask if the Company Is Legally Compliant

Ensure the vendor you hire complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws regarding discrimination and privacy protection. Your service provider should act by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which governs the background check process.

FCRA has several regulations in place. For example, it prohibits any firm offering screening services from considering any arrest that occurred more than seven years ago.

Confirm that your vendor has written procedures to ensure that all information sent to you is legal. Ensure the vendor provides you with all forms and training necessary for using this information.

Make Sure the Background Check Service You Use Has a High Level of Security

If the background check service provider’s security is not strong, how will the company help you fight fraud? Hence, you must ensure a solid and high level of protection so that even your data is not compromised through them.

  • To check the security of a website, look at the address bar of your browser and make sure that it shows a padlock icon. This indicates that the site has strong encryption.
  • Suppose you have any reason to believe your personal information may have been compromised. In that case, you should contact the company immediately and ask them about the security measures they take to protect user data.
  • If a company fails to provide reasonable assurances about its services, don’t use it!


In a survey by Checkster in 2020, 78% of job applicants admitted to misrepresenting themselves. This is a huge problem for employers and recruiters, who are now forced to spend more time and money on background checks. Do your homework if you’re considering using a background check service. Don’t just take the first one that comes along; there are plenty of other services.

Hopefully, these tips have helped you better understand finding the right background check services in Washington. Remember to ask around and see what other people are doing in their businesses; getting a second opinion is always good.

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