What Are Common Hearing Loss Symptoms?

There are several different types of hearing loss, and they can present differently, so it can be difficult to know what your symptoms are a sign of unless you know what to look for. While gradual hearing loss due to aging is the most common, that doesn’t mean that every type of auditory processing issue is the same. Different levels of severity can also change a lot about the best solutions for your unique hearing issues. In many cases, whether it be through a hearing aid or other types of treatments, like cochlear implants, better hearing is possible, you just need to know what type of treatment to seek. If you or a family member you love is wondering about whether or not they’re exhibiting signs of hearing loss, read on to find out more about some of the most common symptoms.

What are some of the most common hearing loss symptoms?


Gradual hearing loss among those who age is incredibly common, with experts estimating that over 48 million Americans will experience it at some point in their life. The first thing that’s important to understand is there are different types of loss of hearing. Conductive loss involves the middle or outer ear, sensorineural involves the inner ear, and mixed is a combination of the two. When you start to lose your hearing, there are a lot of common signs and symptoms you can look for to help you identify your condition. Symptoms can range from annoying to debilitating. It might start with not hearing names on a phone call and having to go back and find out whose number it was later on your caller ID, but issues with hearing can worsen or progress, so it’s always best to seek treatment as soon as you start to experience them.

Some early signs include perception of muffled speech, trouble with understanding words when there’s noise in the background, difficulty with consonants, needing people to repeat themselves, and other similar issues. These problems can develop into more significant issues, and can lead to other problems like avoidance of social situations due to the loss of hearing, or withdrawal from conversation and social settings entirely. These types of coping techniques can cause real damage to your mental health and well being, so it’s important to make addressing your hearing loss a top priority.

What should I do if I’m concerned about my hearing?


If you have an abrupt loss, especially if it is only affecting one ear, you should seek medical attention. It can be a sign of larger problems or trauma, which should be taken care of to avoid worsening your condition. If your hearing loss is gradual, it can be difficult to know when to look for care, but if you’re experiencing symptoms that are affecting your day-to-day life, it’s probably time to make an appointment to get yourself checked out by one of the audiologists in your area. Hearing USA handles hearing clinics all across the United States where you can go and get a free hearing screening and start to figure out the root of your hearing problems. They can also help you find hearing aids and help you work with trained audiologists and hearing care professionals to help you find a comfortable way to adapt to your unique needs when it comes to loss of hearing.

When you or someone you know is dealing with any type of hearing loss, it can be stressful and produce anxiety, especially if you’re not sure how to treat the problem. Since there are different types of loss, and they can present differently and require different solutions, it’s essential that you see a professional as soon as you’re able to. While you may not need a hearing aid or other type of treatment yet, it’s always a good idea to be proactive about your health so that you can prepare for any treatment you may need in the future. Your hearing is incredibly important, so don’t hesitate when it comes to taking care of your ears.

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